Academic Support and Campus Services

Scheduling of Classes

Most three-unit courses meet for 150 minutes per week. Three basic plans are used in scheduling classes: three meetings per week (usually Monday-Wednesday-Friday), two meetings per week or one meeting. Principal exceptions occur among laboratory, activity and studio courses and courses which carry less than three units of credit.

The two-period, two-day-per-week format is utilized for Monday-Wednesday/Tuesday-Thursday classes and most late afternoon and evening courses; the single three-hour period format has been found most appropriate for certain evening and weekend classes. The university attempts to maintain accurate information about changing student needs and to adjust its class schedule accordingly. Current Class Schedules are available approximately two weeks before the beginning of Priority Registration for a term.

Late-Day and Evening Classes

Courses offered in the late afternoon and evening are in every respect the equal of courses offered earlier in the day; they have identical prerequisites and requirements and they confer equal credit. Late-day classes have proven to be of convenience to regular and part-time students, teachers, business people and others in the community. The proportion of late-day classes has been increasing and stands currently between one-third and one-half of all classes.

Class Size

A distinctive feature of the San Bernardino plan is the attempt to offer the majority of courses in a small lecture/discussion/seminar format. Currently approximately 70 percent of the courses are taught in this arrangement. This small class size increases the possibilities for discussion and for student-faculty contacts both within and outside the classroom.

To maintain the small class as the norm requires that some proportion of courses be offered in an intermediate size (enrollment of 30 to 72) or in a large-lecture format (maximum enrollment of 250).

Among lower-division general education courses, those in the basic skills area, in foreign language, in mathematics and in English are offered mostly through small classes, while those in other areas typically employ intermediate or large-lecture classes. Upper-division general education courses may be offered in the large-lecture format. Each department utilizes intermediate size classes for a small number of required or elective courses, but the majority of departmental offerings are in small classes. The typical laboratory section has a maximum enrollment of 24, sometimes less.

Faculty Office Hours

In addition to meeting with students during designated class hours, faculty members hold regularly scheduled office hours, which are posted outside their offices. A student who is unable to see a faculty member during class or the posted office hours may arrange an appointment by contacting the appropriate department office.

Course Credits and Study Expectations

Most courses at California State University, San Bernardino carry three semester units of credit; some carry six units; some two units; and a few variable credit. Course credits are indicated in the course descriptions in this catalog. Since each unit of credit presumes one hour of class time and two hours of preparation, a typical three-unit course would require a minimum of 9 hours per week of the student's time.

Credit Hour

On July 1, 2020, the United States Department of Education changed its definition of the student credit hour. Fundamentally, the change shifted responsibility for credit hour compliance to the accreditation agency and/or to the state.

As such, the CSU's accreditor, the WASC Senior College and University Commission (WSCUC), has published its own updated definition of student credit hour and related accreditation processes. The new regulations no longer require an accrediting agency to review an institution's credit hour policy and procedures. It does require the WSCUC to review the institution's definition of credit hour and an institutions' processes and policies for ensuring the credit hour policy is followed.

The CSU credit hour definition is consistent with federal law (600.2 and 600.4 revised July 1, 2020) and the requirements of the WSCUC. The CSU defines a credit hour as an amount of work represented in stated learning outcomes and verified by evidence of student achievement. Such evidence is an institutionally established equivalency that:

  1. Approximates not less than:
    1. One hour of direct faculty instruction and a minimum of two hours of out-of-class student work each week for approximately 15 weeks for one semester or equivalent amount of work over a different amount of time; or
    2. At least an equivalent amount of work as required in paragraph 1.a. of this definition for other academic activities as established by the institution including laboratory work, internships, practice, studio work and other academic work leading to the award of credit hours; and
  2. Permits an institution, in determining the amount of work associated with a credit hour, to take into account a variety of delivery methods, measurements of student work, academic calendars, disciplines and degree levels. Institutions have the flexibility to award a greater number of credits for courses that require more student work.

As in the past, a credit hour is assumed to be a 50-minute (not 60-minute) period. In some courses, such as those offered online, in which "seat time" does not apply, a credit hour may be measured by an equivalent amount of work, as demonstrated by student achievement.

For purposes of accreditation, all CSUs are required to develop, communicate and implement procedures for regular, periodic review of this credit hour policy to ensure that credit hour assignments are accurate, reliable and consistently applied. WSCUC published new draft guidelines that took effect in June 2021. Universities are responsible for publishing a clearly stated practice or process that ensures they are in compliance with the student credit hour definition.

University Honors Program

The University Honors Program stands for an education that will give each student the opportunity to explore ideas and principles underlying the major areas of modern knowledge, the understanding that learning is a continuous lifetime process, and the courage and enthusiasm to participate in the creation of a better world. This program offers integrated courses and other enrichment opportunities for highly-motivated students who seek an intellectual challenge. Most honors courses fulfill the general education requirements which all students at the university must meet.

Students who have shown scholastic ability, intellectual promise, and creativity are encouraged to apply for the program. Further information about the Honors Program can be obtained in Coyote Village 135, (909) 537-7472, or by visiting the University Honors Program website.

Phi Kappa Phi

Academic Affairs Office, AD-101

(909) 537-5024 Phi Kappa Phi website

The university has an active chapter of the national honor society of Phi Kappa Phi, whose purpose is the recognition and encouragement of superior scholarship in all academic disciplines. Membership is by invitation issued to selected juniors, seniors and graduate students who have excelled in scholarship and who meet the chapter's requirements. Graduating seniors who are members of PKP have an opportunity to apply for a Fellowship from the national office to be used towards the first year of graduate study. The deadline is April 1st each year.

Gamma Lambda of Phi Beta Delta

Phi Beta Delta, founded in 1986, is the first U.S. honor society dedicated to recognizing individuals who have demonstrated scholarly achievement in the areas of international education and exchange. These individuals include: international (visa) students who have demonstrated high scholastic achievement at our university; U.S. students who have completed studies abroad in approved exchange programs with our university; distinguished international faculty at CSUSB; distinguished CSUSB faculty and staff who have been involved in recognized international endeavors (i.e. research, teaching, program development and service). The Gamma Lambda Chapter at CSUSB is a charter chapter of the national organization.

Student Mentoring Program

Pfau Library, Room 208
Student Mentoring Program
(909) 537-4499

Student mentoring provides peer-to-peer experiences to cultivate academic success, community building, support, guidance, and personal/professional growth. Mentoring promotes success through peer-led programming focusing on academic excellence, identity, career readiness, leadership, and a sense of belonging. Student mentoring services are available to all undergraduate students.

Cooperative Education

The university is developing ways in which students may earn course credit through academically related work experience. Currently available are internship courses in accounting, administration, anthropology, art, Asian studies, biology, chemistry, communication, computer science, criminal justice, economics, education, English, environmental studies, ethnic studies, finance, French, gender and sexuality studies, geography, geology, health science, history, human development, humanities, information management, management, marketing, philosophy, physics, public administration, paralegal studies, political science, psychology, social work, sociology, Spanish, supply chain management, and theatre arts. More specific information on special courses can be obtained from the Office of Academic Programs or the appropriate colleges, schools, and departments.

Facilities Planning & Management

California State University, San Bernardino, blends modern facilities with wide expanses of well-maintained landscapes and panoramic views. The 430-acre campus features more than 37 fully accessible and air-conditioned buildings. In addition to classrooms and laboratories for coursework in the arts, letters, sciences, and social sciences, the university has a number of rather distinctive facilities, such as simulation laboratories, a modern instructional television studio lab, an electronic music studio, glass blowing facilities, a Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Lab, Crime Analysis Lab, Anthropology Museum, Infant/toddler Teaching Lab, the Arrowhead Lab for Security Analysis, Literacy Center, Math and Science Teaching Methods Labs, and state-of-the-art self-instructional computer laboratories located in each of the major instructional buildings.

In 2017, the Board of Trustees approved the University’s Master Plan for the future of the campus. The Master Plan addresses the current utilization of academic and service departments, future expansion of facilities to accommodate enrollment growth, parking and circulation, student housing, student life functions, landscape, playfields, and athletics, safety, lighting, and security, and strategies to create a more sustainable campus. The Performing Arts Center, which will open in 2025, was the most recent building to be completed under the Campus Master Plan and is home to the College of Arts and Letters Theater and Music programs and a 500-seat state-of-the-art performing arts theatre. For more information, please visit the Master Plan Webpage.

University Library

Library website

The John M. Pfau Library provides essential support for the university's curriculum and strives to motivate and empower people to be life-long learners. The dedicated staff, most of which works behind the scene, acquires excellent resources, develops intellectual access to them, and provides research assistance at the point of need.

The collections include a wealth of materials in a variety of formats. While they are specially built and maintained to support the curriculum, they are not restricted to it. The Special Collections Department collects and preserves artifacts, photographs, and memorabilia on the local and regional history of this area along with the history of the university. The library is also a depository library for both Federal and State of California government documents.

Numerous database subscriptions provide a wealth of digital resources and extend the reach of scholars far beyond our walls. The efficient Interlibrary Loan service provides the means to obtain nearly any book or article not owned by the library.

Benefit from the special expertise of librarians in person at the Reference Desk, on the phone, or online via the web site. Faculty may schedule librarian-taught research instruction sessions for their classes. Individuals may make appointments with a librarian for more in-depth assistance.

There is much more to know about how the library works to enhance the university experience than will comfortably fit in this brief description. Students are invited to come on by and (pun intended!) check us out.

Academic Technologies & Innovation

(909) 537-7439 ATI website

The Department of Academic Technologies & Innovation (ATI) focuses on fostering and supporting faculty's use of academic technologies for teaching and learning, including faculty-led innovation, student engagement technologies, and growth in hybrid and online learning courses. The ATI Department works closely with the Division of Academic Affairs, the Teaching Resource Center (TRC), and the College Deans and Department Chairs to identify and set priorities and standards in academic technology initiatives. The ATI Department consists of instructional designers, instructional technologists, and accessibility specialists who support online instruction and classroom technologies including smart classrooms. The department also works with the Academic Technologies and Distributed Learning subcommittee of the Faculty Senate to identify and develop academic technology innovations and initiatives.

The ATI office provides coordination and oversight of a multitude of online learning activities offered through CSUSB, including state-supported degree programs as well as technology-based extension courses and activities. ATI provides anytime, anywhere access for students who would otherwise be unable to attain a CSUSB degree.

The concept of distributed learning connotes a system through which CSUSB can more fully "distribute" its academic resources to its diverse and broad-based constituents, locally, nationally, and internationally. CSUSB offers several degree programs either fully or partially online (hybrid) or via videoconference, including programs in education, liberal studies, communications, nursing, business, public administration, and criminal justice.

Distributed learning techniques engage students actively (or interactively), and focus on helping students achieve class objectives via a number of state-of-the-art technologies, including online, blended (hybrid), and video/Web conferences. In addition, courses taught off-campus at remote sites are coordinated by the Academic Technologies and Innovation office.

Assistive Technology and Accessibility Center (ATAC)

ATI's Assistive Technology and Accessibility Center (ATAC) provides both software and hardware technology solutions to students, faculty, and staff at the CSUSB and Palm Desert campuses.  Assistive technology helps individuals with disabilities receive equal access to information and resources. 

Classroom Support

Media equipment is fast becoming the backbone of the instructional environment and ATI's Classroom Support team provides access to a wide variety of instructional technologies in our classrooms and learning spaces.  Whether the equipment is already installed in one of our Smart Classrooms or media equipment is delivered to your classroom, our staff will ensure that you have what you need.  Equipment for special campus events, meetings, or conferences is also available.

Keeping equipment in good operational order requires a thorough preventative maintenance program as well as access to knowledgeable technical staff.  Our classroom and instructional support staff are available to provide consultation to faculty and staff in the proper operation of classroom technologies.  Installation of special software for use in Smart Classrooms is also available upon request.

Online Courses

Online and hybrid courses offered throughout CSUSB's colleges are identified as such in the official CSUSB Course Schedule. Online courses are taught completely on the Internet and are not assigned classroom space. Hybrid courses are assigned classroom space and meeting times, which range from once per semester to weekly, accompanied by significant online materials and activities. Students taking online courses should consult the Academic Technologies & Innovation website (linked at the top of this page) for minimum hardware and software requirements for taking any courses on the Internet.

For more information on support and professional development for faculty, contact ATI at (909) 537-7439.

Information Technology Services

Information Technology Services website

The mission of the division of Information Technology Services (ITS) is to support student, faculty, and staff success by providing world-class customer service, fostering faculty-led innovation and research, and enhancing operational efficiency through the effective use of information technologies.

ITS division is guided by the following principles:

  • Be responsive to the changing information technology needs of a highly diverse student, faculty, and staff community.
  • Offer support and leadership through collaborative efforts with faculty, students, and staff.
  • In a participative manner, perpetuate information technology integration as a part of the academic and administrative fabric covering all programs.
  • Aggressively respond to the tactical objectives set forth by the campus strategic plan.
  • Advance CSUSB as one of the foremost teaching/learning environments in higher education by applying, as appropriate, technology solutions.

The IT Governance Executive Committee governs university-wide technology initiatives. 

Organizationally, ITS has six departments managed under the office of the Vice President and Chief Information Officer for Information Technology Services:

  • Technology Operations & Customer Support
  • Academic Technologies & Innovation
  • Administrative Computing & User Experience
  • Institutional Intelligence
  • Strategic Technology Initiatives

Technology Operations and Customer Support

Technology Operations and Customer Support Website

Technology Operations and Customer Support is led by the Associate Vice President of ITS. Composed of five distinct units, the department operates and maintains the university's most critical information technology infrastructure, ensures secure and reliable access, and provides world-class customer support on a 24x7x365 basis.

Technology Support Center

Technology Support Center (TSC) is the one-stop shop for support, information, and consultation on all technology-related matters. On a 24/7 basis, the technology support center provides the university with practical, timely, and consistent responses to technical support needs. 

The TSC is the issuer of Coyote OneCard, the official CSUSB identification card. We provide students, faculty, and staff assistance and training for on-campus resources such as MyCoyote, Canvas, campus email systems, Google G Suite, and Office 365. We also assist with desktop support and provide access to many campus-licensed software.

The TSC is located in the Pfau Library Addition first floor (PL-1108) and can be reached by phone at 909-537-7677 or email at or on the web at

Enterprise and Cloud Services

Enterprise and Cloud Services (ECS) is primarily responsible for system administration and maintenance of hardware, software, and cloud environment supporting the campus enterprise systems.

ECS manages enterprise resources, including Private and Public Cloud Infrastructure, Office 365, Google G Suite, Mailman listserv, OnBase workflow, and imaging. Services rendered include server and desktop virtualization, cloud computing resources configuration and maintenance, backup, and recovery. ECS also provides server hosting and co-location services, data center management, Scantron exam scoring, and SOTE processing.

Identity, Security & Enterprise Technology

The Identity, Security & Enterprise Technology (ISET) department promotes confidentiality, privacy, availability, and integrity of information resources. ISET monitors compliance with CSU and CSUSB information security policies and standards and applicable State and Federal regulatory standards, such as FERPA, HIPAA, and PCI.

Telecommunications and Network Services

Telecommunications & Network Services (TNS) plans, supports, manages, maintains, and repairs the campus telecommunication system, the campus wired and wireless data network, and supporting servers. 

Telecommunication Services is responsible for supplying and repairing telephone equipment, managing the campus operators, campus call center lines, emergency phone access, and cellular accounts, and maintaining the campus VoIP and voicemail system.

Network Services is responsible for installing, managing, and maintaining the campus wired and wireless network infrastructure, various campus-wide network applications, and specific network systems providing campus-wide functions.

Distributed Technology Services

Distributed Technology Services (DTS) supports technology initiatives at CSUSB's six distributed Colleges (Arts and Letters, Business and Public Administration, Education, Extended Education, Natural Sciences, and Social and Behavioral Sciences) as well as the Library.

DTS is responsible for the overall planning, organizing, and execution of all IT functions at the distributed colleges and library at CSUSB. This includes directing all IT operations to meet customer requirements and supporting and maintaining existing applications, systems, infrastructure and development of new technical solutions consistent with campus protocol/standards and the ITS division’s objectives.

Academic Technologies and Innovation

Academic Technologies and Innovation Website

Academic Technologies and Innovation (ATI) is CSUSB's instructional design and learning technology function. As the CSUSB leader in online education and academic technologies, ATI strives to promote quality online course design, expand online learning, and support faculty with their course development and academic technology needs. We take pride in providing high-quality instructional and technological solutions. That is why we are committed to helping you find the right solution that fits your needs.

Administrative Computing and User Experience

Administrative Computing and User Experience Website

The Department of Administrative Computing and User Experience (ACUx)  develops, provides support for, and manages various campus enterprise software applications on a variety of hardware platforms. Support is provided for all CSUSB administrative systems. ACUx strives to be the richest source of support for information technology resource management. To do this, we encourage our teams to work in a collaborative environment, giving them the resources and support they need to bring the best practices to life. At ACBI, we realize that a supportive work environment is crucial to success. We understand success is about collaborating and maintaining clear communication between partners and technical support.

Institutional Intelligence

Digital Transformation

Digital Transformation Website

Utilizing the tools of web and mobile technologies, including AI and machine learning, Digital Transformation (Dx) strives to create a culture of easily accessible, intelligently designed, and seamless systems to improve the human experience at CSUSB by making interactions available from anywhere. We seek to improve university processes, eliminate administrative bottlenecks, reduce technology barriers, and increase operational efficiency by creating intuitive, agile, and efficient tools to accelerate graduation, increase retention, and support the success of our students, faculty, and staff.

Institutional Research and Analytics

Institutional Research and Analytics Website

Institutional Research and Analytics collaborates with the campus community to support strategic planning, enrollment planning, assessment, and continuous improvement through consultative program design and timely dissemination of reliable information. Our goals are: to provide expertise and support for program design, assessment, and continuous improvement; develop, provide, and maintain timely and accurate institutional data to internal and external audiences; and conduct project-based research and analyses.

Strategic Technology Initiatives

The purpose of the office of Strategic Technology Initiatives is to support the increase in efficiency and effectiveness of the ITS Division in terms of planning and managing IT projects that are aligned with the strategic objectives of the division and the institutional learning objectives of the university.

Degree Completion Programs for Part-Time Students

Increasing opportunities are being developed for part-time students to complete baccalaureate and master's degree programs by attending late-day classes, as well as Friday night and weekend courses with compressed schedules.

Students who wish to pursue a late-day degree-completion program should consult with the department of their proposed major regarding the availability of required courses and then apply for admission to the university in the usual manner.

National Student Exchange Program

Office of Student Engagement, SU-203

(909) 537-5234

CSUSB National Student Exchange

National Student Exchange (NSE) offers study opportunities at over 200 diverse university settings across the US, Puerto Rico, Canada, Guam and the US Virgin Islands and provides access to a wide array of courses and programs. NSE offers options for students who may not yet be ready for an international program, but are seeking new academic, cultural and personal experiences to enhance their undergraduate education. NSE options include exchange among university honors and residential life programs, as well as access to internships, research options, and service learning opportunities of member campuses. NSE features a tuition reciprocity system that allows students to attend their host institution by paying either the in-state tuition/fees of their host institution or the normal tuition/fees here at Cal State San Bernardino. NSE students can exchange for a single term or a full academic year. Course work completed while on exchange at the host campus is brought back to the home institution and credited to the student's degree program.

Apply for exchange through the CSUSB-NSE office. The process includes a non-refutable application fee and current transcript. 

CSUSB determines the manner in which the host campus courses are distributed and grades are recorded. Students should consult with an academic advisor regarding course selection prior to going on exchange and preferably during the time they are exploring possible host campuses. During the application process, students will need to meet with a Transfer and Graduation Counselor in the Office of the Registrar to ensure that classes taken on exchange will transfer back to CSUSB. 

University Enterprises Corporation at CSUSB

(909) 537-5918 University Enterprises Corporation website

University Enterprises Corporation at CSUSB ("UEC") supports the university's educational mission by providing quality services that complement the instructional program. The University depends upon UEC to provide services that cannot be supported with state funds. Although UEC is a legally separate 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation, it is a fully integrated part of the California State University San Bernardino campus.

UEC is responsible for business enterprises on campus including, but not limited to, dining services, bookstore, convenience store, and vending services. UEC also serves as the grantee for federal, state and local funding for research and sponsored projects. 

Coyote Bookstore

(909) 537-3966 Coyote Bookstore website

The Coyote Bookstore carries all course-required textbooks and offers a textbook rental program, digital options, and year-round book buy-back.  The Coyote Bookstore also has hundreds of other items for sale including school and office supplies, backpacks, fashionable CSUSB clothing, gifts, stationery and greeting cards, computers, computer software and supplies, general books, health and beauty aids, and various food, beverage and snack items. A satellite bookstore is operated at the Palm Desert campus to serve students, faculty and staff at that location.  Students, faculty and staff enjoy educational discounts on computer hardware, peripherals and software purchases. 

Dining Services

(909) 537-4232 Dine On Campus at CSU San Bernardino

Dining services and convenience stores are provided throughout the University. The new Coyote Commons Dining Hall and Howl & Growl retail zone, located on the east side of campus between Jack Brown Hall and parking lot G, is the perfect location to sit down and relax while enjoying a delicious meal. The All-You-Care-To-Eat seasonal menus include various fresh choices to satisfy every taste and appetite.  Enjoy everything from brick oven pizza, a fresh pasta bar, favorite classics from the grill, international options, soup and salad bar, desserts, and made-to-order deli.  The two-story facility offers a variety of seating accommodations and features a beautiful view of the mountains for a relaxed, upscale atmosphere.

The food-court-style eatery in the Santos Manuel Student Union South features appetizing options from regional brands Bobos Pizza, Wild Blue Sushi, and Frutas El Coyote.  There are also an assortment of food and beverage vending machines located adjacent to the food-court to satisfy your needs.  National food chains Habit Burger and Panda Express are located on the first floor of Santos Manual Student Union North. The Blue Coyote Cantina, also located on the first floor, offers a lively ambiance and appealing menu specials.  

The two campus Coyote Market convenience stores provide the perfect solution to the busy college lifestyle with a wide variety of pre-packaged sandwiches and salads, cold drinks, coffee, espresso drinks and tempting snacks - perfect for on-the-go dining.  Scantrons, bluebooks and other supplies are also stocked for our students' convenience.  Convenience store locations currently include Howl and Growl next to Coyote Commons and the first floor of the Center for Global Innovation.  Cash, credit, and Coyote One Card Dining Dollars are accepted at all campus food service locations. 

The Starbucks coffee house is located on the first floor of the Library and offers a full menu of your favorite beverages and food items.   The new Einstein Bros. Bagels located on the first floor of the College of Social & Behavioral Sciences brings the aroma of freshly baked bagels to the west side of campus with breakfast, lunch, and dinner options.  The Einstein Bros. Bagel Express gives the campus the option to bypass the long lines and grab a coffee and a bagel or a grab ‘n’ go item.  

Coyote Dining’s Catering Department offers full-service catering for all types of on- and off-campus events including weddings, banquets, retirement dinners, special department luncheons, and private parties.  

Supplemental Instruction

University Hall, Room 401.20
(909) 537-7320
Supplemental Instruction

Do you want to strengthen your understanding of material presented in course lectures and texts, develop both general and content specific learning strategies and study skills, and/or have the opportunity to review for exams and develop effective test taking strategies? If your response is yes to any of these, then Supplemental Instruction (SI) is the academic success resource for you!

SI is a research-based, locally proven method for helping students succeed in challenging courses by providing peer led, subject-matter discussion, support, and guidance for the strengthening of critical college skills. SI sessions meet twice a week for 50 minutes each (usually just after the content course lecture). SI is open to all students enrolled in the corresponding content course. Each SI session is limited to 20 students to maintain a small group learning environment.  For more information about SI call (909) 537-4499 or email

Tutoring Center

University Hall, Room 350
(909) 537-5038

The Tutoring Center provides academic support to students enrolled in CSUSB courses on a walk-in basis. Tutors work collaboratively with students on coursework, strengthening study skills, and building academic confidence in a supportive, patient, and affirming atmosphere.

Drop-in tutoring in various subjects is available Monday through Friday. Please visit our website to find available subjects, days, and times. Subject offerings vary by term and include:

  • Accounting
  • Biology
  • Chemistry
  • Economics
  • Finance
  • Mathematics
  • Physics
  • Statistics
  • Study Skills

Math Coaching

Pfau Library, Room 210
(909) 537-3035
Math Coaching

Individual and group math coaching provides students expert assessment and guidance in working through course content, assignments, and exam preparation. Match coaching is provided by Stephen Wentworth, a CSUSB Lecturer in the Department of Mathematics. Request an appointment with Stephen Wentworth by email.

Writing Center

College of Education, Room 310
(909) 537-5232
Writing Center

Writing consultants work with students who are composing specific writing projects as well as with faculty members who are incorporating writing as a mode of learning in their courses. Consultants offer individual conferences to students in all disciplines at all stages of their composing processes; conferences focus on interpreting assignments, discovering topics, expanding ideas, clarifying organizational strategies, incorporating counter-arguments, and citing references, as well as on editing and proofreading. Consultants also facilitate English conversation groups for multilingual and ESL students, helping them to negotiate the linguistic and cultural differences in oral and written composition.

The Writing Center Director and staff members are always available to consult with faculty members who are designing writing components for their courses, conduct in-class writing workshops in courses in all disciplines, and read and respond to manuscripts in preparation.

Lactation Rooms for Nursing Mothers

CSUSB and the Division of Student Affairs are committed to supporting students who need to express milk or nurse their child during hours of operation by providing lactation rooms in close proximity to their classes. These spaces are private, secure, and located on the San Bernardino and Palm Desert campuses. For more information for nursing mothers, visit the Division of Student Affairs website.

Requests for reasonable academic accommodations can be made to Services to Students with Disabilities at (909) 537-5238 or email For more information about the rights of a parenting student, please contact the Institutional Equity & Compliance at (909) 537-5669 or visit their website.

Centers & Institutes

CSUSB maintains a number of officially recognized Institutes and Centers with each of them focusing on leveraging faculty, staff, and student expertise for the benefit of the region we serve. Below is a brief description of all officially approved CSUSB centers and institutes with contact information and website links.

Approved Centers

Aging, Center on

The Center on Aging at CSUSB is a university-wide interdisciplinary unit sponsored by the College of Social and Behavioral Sciences. It was created in order to unite people and resources at CSUSB to better respond to the needs of a rapidly aging population in the Inland Empire.  The goals of the Center on Aging are:  (1) build strategic and lasting relationships between CSUSB, community-based organizations, and local governments in order to increase the quality of life for local older adults; (2) educate and train future professionals on the best practices for serving an aging population; and (3) conduct and disseminate world-class gerontology research.
Director: Eric Vogelsang,, Department of Sociology, 909-537-5575
Visit the Center on Aging Website

Community Counseling Center, CSUSB

The Community Counseling Center was established in 1973 as a training clinic to provide low-cost, longer-term counseling services for CSUSB students and staff, and for members of the community as well. The Center provides confidential, one-to-one counseling services for personal and emotional problems. The Center is staffed by faculty and graduate students in the Psychology Department at California State University, San Bernardino. Anyone experiencing problems in relationships, feeling anxious or depressed, or seeking help with other personal problems can receive confidential counseling from the Center.
Director: Christina Hassija,,Department of Psychology (909) 537-5481.
Visit the CSUSB Community Counseling Center Website

Correctional Education, Center for the Study of

The Community Counseling Center (CCC) was established in 1973 as a training clinic to provide low-cost, longer-term counseling services for CSUSB students, alumni, and staff, as well as members of the larger San Bernardino community. The CCC provides confidential, one-to-one counseling services for personal and emotional problems to children, adolescents, couples, and adults. The CCC is staffed by graduate students working towards the requirements to become Marriage and Family Therapists in the state of California through the Psychology Department at California State University, San Bernardino. Individuals experiencing relationship issues, mild to moderate anxiety or depression, or seeking help with other personal and behavioral problems can receive confidential counseling from the CCC.
Director: Christina Hassija,, Department of Psychology (909) 537-5569
Visit the CSUSB Community Counseling Center Website

Criminal Justice Research, Center for

The Center for Criminal Justice Research (CCJR) provides research and training services to communities, criminal justice agencies, and other organizations. Through grants and contracts with local partners, CCJR conducts innovative research activities to address current crime problems and security concerns. These partnerships between academia, practitioners, and the community are what keep the field moving forward.
Director: Gisela Bichler, Department of Criminal Justice, 909-537-5510
Visit the Center for Criminal Justice Research Website

Cyber Security Center

The mission of the Cyber Security Center is to promote and study the application of cyber security, computer forensics and other related information assurance topics. California State University, San Bernardino (CSUSB) is a national leader in cyber security education. Since 2008, the National Security Agency and the Department of Homeland Security. CSUSB has been designated as a Center of Academic Excellence (CAE) in Cyber Defense. The center runs many grant-funded projects and student scholarship initiatives.
Director: Tony Coulson 909-537-5768
Visit the Cyber Security Center Website (

Entrepreneurship, Inland Empire Center for

The Inland Empire Center for Entrepreneurship (IECE) is a multifaceted organization that supports and promotes entrepreneurship on campus and in the community through educational programs in entrepreneurship, business assistance services and advocacy. The focus of these efforts is on achieving impact – creating entrepreneurial startups and entrepreneurial managers, helping businesses in the community achieve new levels of success and raising the awareness of and support for entrepreneurship throughout the Inland Empire region.  Notable programs include the Spirit of the Entrepreneur Awards, Garner Holt Student Fast Pitch Competition, Small Business Development Center, Women’s Business Center and the Catalyst Student Business Accelerator.
Director: Michael Stull 909-537-5708
Visit the Inland Empire Center for Entrepreneurship Website

Global Management, Center for

The Center for Global Management is created in order to facilitate developing programs in international business and public administration and supports regional internationalization efforts for the benefit of the faculty, the students, and the local international communities.
Co-Director: Vipin Gupta 909-537-5787
Co-Director: Frank Lin 909-537-5700
Visit the Center for Global Management Website: Coming soon!

Hate and Extremism, Center for the Study of

The Center for the Study of Hate and Extremism at California State University, San Bernardino is a nonpartisan research and policy center that examines the ways that bigotry, advocacy of extreme methods, or terrorism, both domestically and internationally deny civil or human rights to people on the basis of race, ethnicity, religion, gender, sexual orientation, disability or other relevant status characteristic. The center seeks to aid scholars, community activists, government officials, law enforcement, the media and others with objective information to aid them in their examination and implementation of law, education and policy.
Director: Brian Levin, Department of Criminal Justice, 909-537-7711
Visit the Center for the Study of Hate and Extremism Website

Health Equity, Center for

The Center for Health Equity will promote and accelerate faculty research at CSUSB in health disparities through mentorship and training from nationally recognized health disparities scientists. It will also provide a link between health disparities-related community organizations and university members; advance the number of CSUSB students seeking graduate careers in health disparities; and disseminate CSUSB faculty research and scholarship in the area of health disparities.
Director: Monideepa Becerra 909-537-5969
Co-Director: Caroline Vickers 909-537-5684
Visit the Center for Health Equity Website

Indigenous Peoples Studies, The Center for

The university offers a certificate program in Native Nations and Indigenous Peoples Studies, overseen by the Center for Indigenous Peoples Studies in the College of Social and Behavioral Sciences. The course work provides students with a broad introduction to Native Nations and Indigenous Peoples, creating a foundation for students to pursue advanced study or possible in employment in related fields. The curriculum is multidisciplinary, bringing together a diverse faculty of specialists. Core courses focus Indigenous cultures, history, cultural resource management and preservation, sovereignty, world systems analysis and the arts. Students then select courses in consultation with the certificate coordinator in order to meet both the certificate requirements and their own individual interests.
Director: James V. Fenelon, Department of Sociology, 909-537-7291
Visit The Center for Indigenous Peoples Studies Website

International Studies and Programs, Center for

The International Institute develops programs to enhance intercultural communications and understanding. It provides coordination, facilitation, and support of campus-wide faculty and student international program development and supports regional internationalization efforts, international business and exchange programs.
Director: John Binkley,, (909) 537-3909
Visit the Center for International Studies and Programs Website

Islamic and Middle East Studies, Center of

The Center for Islamic and Middle East Studies (CIMES) at CSUSB serves as a flagship for international dialogue and academic excellence for students and faculty as well as the local and international communities. The Center supports research, lectureships, curriculum development and community outreach in order to advance the study of Islam and the Middle East.
Director: Ahlam Muhtaseb,, Department of Communication Studies, 909-537-5897
Visit the Center of Islamic and Middle East Studies Website

Labor Studies, Center for

The Center for Labor Studies promotes the economic and social advancement in the Inland Empire. The Center develops knowledge about the labor market in the Inland Empire, disseminate this knowledge in a way that contributes to social and economic advancement, and focus the skills and energies of members of the CSUSB community on issues relevant to labor in the Inland Empire. Importantly, the Center will give CSUSB students opportunities for research and extracurricular activities that will enhance their intellectual and personal development and will permit them to undertake leadership roles in the Inland Empire and beyond.
Director: Eric Nilsson, Department of Economics, 909-537-5564

Leonard Transportation Center

As the world becomes more interconnected through the processes of globalization, domestic and international policies become more intertwined. Transportation and transnational studies are interlinked, especially for areas such as the Inland Empire, through the movement of goods, people, and ideas. These in turn are tied to local communities’ quality of life. The understanding of outside influences (transnational studies) helps to better understand local impacts, which leads to better solutions.  The Leonard Transportation Center focuses on transnational and local policy studies and solutions to assist communities, students, faculty, and international partners work together to improve life in the Inland Empire. 
Director: Dr. Kimberly Collins 909-537-5036
Visit the Leonard Transportation Center Website

Mathematics Education, Center for the Enhancement of

The Center for the Enhancement of Mathematics Education identifies, analyzes, and addresses the needs of both in-service and pre-service mathematics teachers in the Inland Empire. The Center has taken the lead in developing collaborative grant proposals for mathematics, science and technology education with the county offices of education and K-12 school districts within the Inland Empire Region and currently manages the Inland Counties Mathematics Project (the regional site of the California Mathematics Project), three National Science Foundation projects (Noyce Scholarships, Noyce Fellowships, and Algebraic Concepts for Elementary Students), and the Department of Education-funded Teaching English Learners Early Mathematics project.
Director: Jeremy Aikin, 909-537-5375
Co-director:  Madeleine Jetter 909-537-5377
Co-director: Lynn Scow 909-537-5373
Business Manager: Karen Lin 909-537-7574
Visit the Center for the Enhancement of Mathematics Education Website

Media Arts Center (CAL MAC)

The College of Arts & Letters Media Arts Center is dedicated to the creation, production, and analysis of the media arts. It serves the region, the CSU, and the nation by providing a focus for interdisciplinary activities. The center's interests encompass film studies, video, photography, design, performance, music, press releases/articles, scripts/screenwriting, and all other print and electronic arts that are used to communicate messages. The CAL-MAC supports the development of cross-disciplinary curricula, scholarship, artistic projects, activities, and outreach.
Visit the Media Arts Center Website

Second Language Acquisition, Center for the Advancement of

The CSUSB Center for the Advancement of Second Language Acquisition provides workshops for Inland Empire teachers to enhance their skills. The center presents programs honoring K-12 student achievements and provides enrichment activities. It also provides scholarships for students and teachers to attend summer seminars at UC Santa Barbara.
Director: World Languages and Literatures Department Chair 909-537-5847
Visit the Center for the Advancement of Second Language Acquisition Website

Teaching English Learners, Center for

The Center for Teaching English Learners serves as a resource center for prospective and practicing teachers whose classroom teaching is impacted by the presence of culturally and linguistically diverse (CLD) learners and who seek innovative strategies for teaching English; as a materials development laboratory for educational master's projects in the area of teaching English to speakers of other languages, as a resource and referral service for partnership school districts who seek training for teachers, and as locus for initiation of grant proposals in the area of providing high-quality education for English learners.
Director: Lynne Diaz-Rico 909-537-5658

University Center for Developmental Disabilities

The UCDD provides evaluation, assessment, training, and support for autistic children, their parents and siblings. This is a clinical training program in the College of Education which focuses on Special Education credential programs in cooperation with the departments of Nursing, Social Work, and Psychology. The clinical program is under contract with the County Regional Center for client services.
Director: Dwight Sweeney 909-537-5495
Visit the University Center for Developmental Disabilities Website

Watson and Associates Literacy Center

The Literacy Center offers tutoring in reading, writing and oral language for students across the K-12 grade levels as well as adults seeking empowerment and better life opportunities through literacy. Trained staff members pinpoint specific and general needs of children, adolescents and adults then design and implement remedial programs based on each individual's needs. This assessment and instructional emphasis is complemented by a research component.
Director: Catherine Terrell 909-537-5697
Visit the Watson and Associates Literacy Center Website

Approved Institutes

Applied Research and Policy Analysis, Institute of

The Institute is a full-service consulting and applied research organization. The purpose of the Institute is to provide a variety of research and consulting services to public agencies, business organizations, and individuals within the university's service area and beyond. It provides customized research so that each client receives thorough, timely, practical and accurate information tailored for the decision-making needs of the particular organization. The institute advises in multiple disciplines, drawing knowledge through social and public policy research, surveys, feasibility studies, marketing studies and program evaluations.
Director: Barbara Sirotnik 909-537-5729
Visit the Institute of Applied Research and Policy Analysis Website

Child Development and Family Relations, Institute for

ICDFR is the umbrella organization, which covers many child and family related sub-projects established through partnerships between CSUSB and the surrounding community. Established in 2002, our mission is to promote the optimal development and well-being of the children and families in our geographic region. We do this through conducting research, providing services, and educating future professionals. The Institute draws upon the strengths and expertise of faculty throughout the university, who have devoted their careers to researching and teaching subjects related to both child development and the family dynamic.
Director: Mark Agars, Department of Psychology 909-537-5433
Visit the Institute for Child Development and Family Relations Website

Inland Commerce and Security Institute

The mission of the ICSI is to promote the study, analysis and policies associated with the region's commerce and allied security activities. Further, the ICSI will become a center of excellence serving the commerce and security needs and aspirations of our students, faculty and community.
Executive Co-Director: C.E. Tapie Rohm, Jr., 909-537-5786
Executive Co-Director: Jay Varzandeh,, 909-537-5730

Learning Research Institute

The CSUSB Learning Research Institute (LRI) promotes an interdisciplinary scholarly focus on the student learning experience and how it may be improved. The Institute supports this focus by sponsoring and conducting research activities that examine the cognitive, neurobiological, and environmental variables that contribute to the academic success of our diverse student body.
Co-Director: Jason Reimer, Department of Psychology, 909-537-5578
Co-Director: Hideya Koshino, Department of Psychology, 909-537-5435
Visit the Learning Research Institute Website

Research, Assessment & Professional Development, Institute for

The Institute for Research, Assessment & Professional Development provides opportunities across the three domains of the institute (i.e., research, assessment, professional development) to enhance collaborations between program areas, faculty, graduate students and partnering activities with community agencies, such as the Department of Rehabilitation, Veterans Affairs, School Districts, Department of Corrections, and related community agencies. Services include (1) Comprehensive Vocational Evaluations and Situational Assessments for individuals receiving services from the Department of Rehabilitation and (2) Neurofeedback interventions for the treatment of ADD/ADHD, anxiety, autism/Asperger's syndrome (mild-moderate), academic/performance enhancement, cognitive decline, conduct disorder, depression, stroke, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and other conditions. Neurofeedback (visit the Neurofeedback website), also known as cognitive rehabilitation or EEG biofeedback, is a ground-breaking technique that challenges the brain to better function. This powerful brain-based technique has been successfully helping clients around the world for more than 30 years. It is a noninvasive process with dramatic results for a multitude of symptoms. The effectiveness of neurofeedback for adults and children with a wide variety of symptoms has been repeatedly concluded in numerous research studies. Neurofeedback works by training the brain to function at its maximum potential, which is similar to the way the body is exercised, toned and maintained. The technology is safe and effective for children and adults ages 5 to 95.
Director: Connie McReynolds 909-537-5453 / 909-537-5681
Visit the Institute for Research, Assessment & Professional Development Website

Water Research Institute

The Water Resources Institute supports, coordinates and conducts regional and state wide policy analysis and research in all water-related areas. It has an extensive collection of current Geographic Information System-based data and historical records related to water, including aspects such as water rights, quantity, quality, treatment, and management. The institute also provides instruction in the form of federally-funded education programs, workshops, courses, certificates, and degree programs in water resources.
Director: Boykin Witherspoon 909-537-7684
Visit the Water Resource Institute Website

Similar Organizations

Economic Education, California Council on

Statewide headquarters of the California Council on Economics Education which supports and encourages programs that provide K-12 teacher training in the economics method/enhancing K-12 economics curricular offerings to include information on the US economy, the world economic system, and the economic content of various social and political issues.
Director: R. J. Charkins 909-537-5553
Visit the California Council on Economic Education Website