Academic Calendar

Fall Term 2025

Apr. 7-Aug. 22 Fall registration
Aug. 18 Beginning of Academic Year
Aug. 22 Last day to withdraw from all classes and receive 100% refund
Aug. 25 First day of instruction (Saturday classes begin Aug. 24)
Sep. 1 Labor Day holiday, campus closed
Sep. 22 CENSUS: Last day to drop classes without record
Nov. 10 Veteran's Day holiday, campus closed
Nov. 27-29 Academic recess, campus closed
Dec. 6 Last day of instruction
Dec. 8-13 Final examinations
Dec. 12-13 Commencement
Dec. 18 Grades due; end of term
Dec. 25-Jan. 1 Academic recess, campus closed

Winter Intersession 2025/26

Nov. 10- Dec. 18 Winter Intersession registration
Dec. 18 Last day to withdraw from all classes and receive 100% refund
Dec. 19 First day of instruction
Dec. 23 CENSUS - last day to drop without record
Jan. 12 Last day of instruction
Jan. 12 Final exams
Jan. 13 Grades due, end of term

Spring Term 2026

Oct. 27-Jan 19 Spring registration
Jan. 16 Last day to withdraw from all classes and receive 100% refund
Jan. 17 First day of instruction
Feb. 16 President's Day holiday, no classes, campus open
Feb. 17 CENSUS: Last day to drop classes without record
Mar. 30-Apr. 4 Academic recess
Mar. 31 César Chávez holiday, campus closed
May 8 Last day of instruction
May 9, 11-15 Final examinations
May 15-16 Commencement
May 21 Grades due; end of term

Summer Term 2026

Apr. 6-May 28 Summer registration
May 29 Last day for a full refund (10W & 5W1)
Jun. 1 First day of instruction (10W and 5W1)
Jun. 8 CENSUS: last day to drop classes without record (5W1)
Jun. 17 CENSUS: last day to drop classes without record (10W)
Jun. 18 Juneteenth holiday (observed), campus closed
Jul. 2 Independence Day holiday (observed), campus closed
Jul. 6 Last day of instruction (5W1)
Jul. 6 Final examinations (5W1)
Jul. 7 Grades due; end of term (5W1)
Jul. 7 Last day for a full refund (5W2)
Jul. 8 First day of instruction (5W2)
Jul. 15 CENSUS: Last to drop classes without record (5W2)
Aug. 12 Last day of instruction (10W & 5W2)
Aug. 12 Final examinations (10W & 5W2)
Aug. 13 Grades due; end of term (10W & 5W2)

The above calendar is not intended to be construed as an employee work calendar. For a more detailed calendar of academic dates and deadlines, see the University Calendar.