Administrative Preliminary Services Credential

The Administrative Services Preliminary Credential Program is a state approved program that qualifies graduates to service in any administrative position in California Public Schools, TK-12.  Students work toward mastery of the California Administrator Performance Expectations (CAPEs).  Students are prepared to pass the new California Administrator Performance Assessment (CalAPA) which is required starting in Fall, 2019 for the credential.

Admission to the Program

In addition to meeting the general requirements of the university for admission as a postbaccalaureate student, admission to the Administrative Services Preliminary Credential Program requires the following:

  1. An application for admission to the program must be submitted;
  2. A 3.0 ("B") grade point overall average in all courses;
  3. Completion of or plan to satisfy the graduate entrance writing requirement;
  4. Verification of minimum of four years of full-time credentialed experience, school-related nursing, library service, and/or counseling experience.
  5. A valid Clear California teaching, pupil personnel, health services, library credential, or full-time designated subject credential (with B.A.);
  6. Successful completion of the California Basic Educational Skills Test (CBEST).
  7. Submission of a 2-page essay from the provided prompt.

Students who do not meet these criteria may be admitted as conditionally classified graduate students. Students admitted in this category may be changed to classified standing with approval of the College of Education.

Recommendation for the Credential

To be eligible to be recommended for the credential, a candidate must:

  1. Demonstrate mastery of  the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC) California Administrator Performance Expectations (CAPES) as evidenced by student portfolio, coursework, and student exit assessments. 
  2. Successfully complete all program requirements;
  3. Pass the new California Administrator Performance Assessment (CalAPA) which is required starting in Fall, 2019.
  4. Obtain recommendation from program coordinator.

Credential Requirements (28 units)

EADM 6601Educational Leadership and Ethics3
EADM 6607Culture, Equity, and Communication in Diverse Society3
EADM 6610Educational Supervision and Teacher Development3
EADM 6613Organizational Management and Human Resources3
EADM 6619Policy, Governance and Legal Aspects of Education3
EADM 6622Curriculum, Programs, and Assessment4
EADM 6625Organizational Management and Fiscal Resources3
EADM 6620Fieldwork in Educational Administration I3
EADM 6621Fieldwork in Educational Administration II3
Culminating Experience (0)0
Students are encouraged to take the following; however it is not required.
California Administrator Performance Assessment (CalAPA) Support Seminar
Total Units28

Note: Students must see program coordinator/advisor for recommended sequence of program.

Culminating Experience (0 units)

Complete the Student Exit Assessments in all areas of the CAPEs.

Complete Student Portfolio addressing the six areas of the CAPEs