Bachelor of Science in Geology

The B.S. in Geology, General Geology Concentration is recommended for students planning to continue to graduate school or to other careers in the geosciences.  This Concentration has more flexibility to allow the student to tailor electives to pursue a particular interest.

The B.S. in Geology, Environmental Geology Concentration is recommended for students planning to become professional geologists in the environmental, geotechnical, government service, petroleum, or mining areas, and to prepare for Professional Licensure.

Geology majors must earn a grade of "C-" (1.7) or better in all required geology courses for those courses to satisfy the degree requirements for a B.S. degree in Geology.  Students may not earn credit for both concentrations. 

Requirements (69-78 units)

Total units required for graduation: 120

Requirements for the B.S. in Geology

Lower-division requirements (26-27)
CHEM 2100General Chemistry I4
CHEM 2100LGeneral Chemistry I Laboratory1
CHEM 2200General Chemistry II4
CHEM 2200LGeneral Chemistry II Laboratory1
Choose one of the following (fulfills GE category B4):3-4
Modeling with Calculus
Calculus I
Choose one of the following:4
Introduction to Physics I
General Physics I
Choose one of the following:1
Introduction to Physics I Lab
General Physics I Lab
Choose one of the following (fulfills GE category B1):3
Introductory Geology
Plate Tectonics: Key to Understanding Earthquakes, Volcanoes and Tsunami
Environmental Geology and Geological Hazards
Choose one of the following (Laboratory Activity associated with GE B1):1
Introductory Geology Laboratory
Environmental Geology and Geological Hazards Laboratory
GEOL 2000Interpreting Earth Systems History: Stories from an Ancient Planet4
Upper-division requirements (36)
GEOL 3100Introduction to Geologic Mapping3
GEOL 3200Mineralogy5
GEOL 3220Introduction to Geochemistry4
GEOL 3240Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology4
GEOL 3300Sedimentary Geology: Principles and Applications4
GEOL 3600Structural Geology4
Choose five units from the following:5
Advanced Field Geology
Advanced Field Geology
Advanced Field Geology
Advanced Field Geology
Advanced Field Geology
Digital Mapping and GIS for Scientists
GEOL 3990Geological Research Design3
GEOL 4000Undergraduate Geological Research2
GEOL 4900Senior Seminar2
Concentration (7-15)
Students must satisfy the requirements of one of the concentrations listed below:7-15
Total Units69-78

Concentrations (7-15 Units)

General Geology Concentration (7 units)

(Program Code: GEOL)

A minimum of 7 units chosen from the following list after consultation with a faculty advisor. No more than 3 units may be taken from supervision courses. At least 3 units of elective must be from Geology courses. 7
Any 3100-level or above Geology course, not previously used for the degree
Geology of California
Introduction to Geographic Information Systems and Cartography
Geo-Spatial Analysis
Environmental GIS
Up to 6 units of 2000-level or above Math, Biology, Chemistry or Physics courses, not previously used for the degree.
Total Units7

Environmental Geology Concentration (13-15 units)

(Program Code: ENVG)

GEOL 3700Groundwater Hydrology3
GEOL 4100Engineering Geology4
Choose a minimum of two courses, one from Group A, and one from either Group A or Group B:6-8
Group A:
Geology of California
Earth Resources
Group B:
Introduction to Geographic Information Systems and Cartography
Field Methods in Hydrology
Neotectonics and Seismic Hazard Analysis
Environmental Hydrology
Site Investigation, Siting, and Case Histories in Engineering Geology
Total Units13-15