Minor in Environmental Studies

Requirements for a minor in Environmental Studies (20 units)

Lower-division requirements (7)
Three units chosen from:3
Introduction to Biology
Physical Geography
Introductory Geology
Health and Society: An Ecological and Societal Approach
One unit chosen from:1
Introduction to Biology Lab
Physical Geography Laboratory
Introductory Geology Laboratory
Health and Society: An Ecological and Societal Approach Lab
GEOG 2000Environment and Society3
Upper-division requirements (3)
Three units chosen from:3
Conservation and Natural Resources
Environmental Sustainability
Environmental Inquiry and Education
Electives (10)
A minimum of 10 units chosen from the following courses in groups 1 and 2 (Students must take at least one course in each group, provided that none have been used elsewhere to meet requirements of this minor). In consultation with the environmental studies coordinator, a student can choose other courses, besides those listed below, to meet the elective requirement.10
Environmental Anthropology
Topics in Relational and Organizational Communication (Topic: Environmental Communication)
Environmental Economics
Economics of Climate Change
Conservation and Natural Resources
Environmental Sustainability
Environmental Inquiry and Education
Environmental Justice
Environmental Policy and Impact Assessment
Water Wars
Politics of Oil
The Politics of Environment
May choose one of the following GE courses:
Human Ecology
Chemistry and the Environment
Analysis of Environmental Discourse (WI)
Environmental Literature
Natural Disasters
Energy and the Environment
Environmental Ethics
Weather and Climate
Watershed Hydrology and Management
Climate Change
Coastal Resources Management
Total Units20