School of Social Work

Accredited by the Council on Social Work Education

Social Work

Social and Behavioral Sciences Building, Room 423
(909) 537-5501 School of Social Work website

Undergraduate Degree

Bachelor of Arts

Social Work

Applicants to Social Work major must meet all of the campus’ specified supplementary admission criteria provided in the CSUSB Program Impaction information.


Laurie Smith, Professor of Social Work, Director, Director
B.A. 1980, Michigan State University
M.S.W. 1990, University of Minnesota
Ph.D. 1999, University of California, Los Angeles

Current Faculty

Rachel Allinson, Lecturer in Social Work
B.A.1994, University of California, Los Angeles
M.S.W. 1996, The Ohio State University
Armando Barragan, Associate Professor of Social Work
B.A. 2006, University of California, Los Angeles
M.S.W. 2009, University of California, Berkeley
Ph.D. 2015, University of Southern California
Janet C. Chang, Professor of Social Work
B.A. 1998, Ewha Women's University, Seoul, Korea
M.A. 1985, California State University, Los Angeles
M.S.W. 1993, Ph.D. 1998, University of California, Los Angeles
Thomas D. Davis, Professor of Social Work
B.A. 1976, M.S.W. 1998, California State University, Long Beach
Ph.D. 2001, University of Washington
Shyra Harris, Lecturer in Social Work
B.A. 2009, California State University, San Bernardino
M.S.W. 2011, California State University, San Bernardino
Rigaud Joseph, Assistant Professor of Social Work
B.S. 2011, M.S.W. 2012, Florida Atlantic University
Ph.D. 2017, Florida International University
Deirdre Lanesskog, Associate Professor in Social Work, Director
B.A. 1993, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
M.P.A. 1995, The George Washington University
Ph.D. 2016, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Yawen Li, Professor of Social Work
B.A. 1999, Yunnan University
M.A. 2002, The University of Hong Kong
Ph.D. 2009, University of Southern California, Los Angeles
Caroline Lim, Assistant Professor of The School of Social Work
B. A. 2002, University of Michigan
M. S. 2004, Columbia University
Ph. D. 2017, University of Southern California
Erica Lizano, Assistant Professor of Social Work
B.A. 2005, California State University, Fullerton
M.S. 2007, University of Southern California
Ph.D. 2014, University of Southern California
Carolyn McAllister, Professor of Social Work
B.A. 1996, University of California, Davis
M.S.W. 1999, University of California, Los Angeles
Ph.D. 2003, Michigan State University
Jeannine Meza, Lecturer in Social Work
B.A. 1999, University of California, Los Angeles
M.S.W. 2004, University of Southern California
Herbert P. Shon, Assistant Professor of Social Work
B.A. 1987, California State University, Los Angeles
M.S.W. 1991, Ph.D. 2001, University of California, Los Angeles
James Simon, Assistant Professor of Social Work
B.A 2004, California State University Northridge
M.S.W 2006, University of California, Los Angeles
Ph.D. 2016, University of Southern California
Andrew Nick Watson, Lecturer of Social Work
B.A.S.W. 1982, San Diego State University
M.S.W. 1984, San Diego State University


Morley Glicken
Melvin G. Hawkins
Marshall Jung
Nancy Mary
Rosemary McCaslin
Teresa Morris


SW 2000. Introduction to Social Work. Units: 3

Introductory survey of levels of social work practice and fields of practice. Review of NASW professional code of ethics and social work resources. Formerly offered as SW 200.

SW 3001. Social Welfare Policy I. Units: 3

Semester Prerequisite: Admission into the BASW Program. Quarter Prerequisite: admission to BASW program
History of social work, development of structures of social welfare services and the role of policy in service delivery in Social Work. Formerly offered as SW 300A.

SW 3002. Social Welfare Policy II. Units: 3

Semester Prerequisite: SW 3001. Quarter Prerequisite: SW 300A
Frameworks for policy analysis of social welfare policies and social service delivery in organizational, local, state, national and international settings. Introductory social work policy practice skills. Formerly offered as SW 300B.

SW 3010. Social Work Research. Units: 3

Semester Prerequisite: Admission into the BASW Program. Quarter Prerequisite: SW 300B and SW 302B
Social Work approaches to qualitative and quantitative research that builds knowledge for social work practice. Interpreting and applying social work practice research to students own practice. Skills needed to implement a social work research project in a social work setting. Three hours of lecture and three hours of lab. Satisfies WI designation.

SW 3011. Social Work Research. Units: 3

Social Work approaches to qualitative and quantitative research that builds knowledge for social work practice. Interpreting and applying social work practice research to students own practice. Skills needed to implement a social work research project in a social work setting. Three hours of lecture and three hours of lab. Equivalent to SW 3010, cannot receive credit for both. Satisfies WI designation.

SW 3021. Human Behavior and the Social Environment I. Units: 3

Semester Prerequisite: Admission into the BASW Program. Quarter Prerequisite: admission to BASW Program
Theories and knowledge of human bio-psycho-social development from birth to young adulthood, including theories and knowledge about the range of social systems in which individuals live (families, groups, organizations, institutions and communities). Interactions between and among human biological, social, psychological and cultural systems as they affect and are affected by human behavior. Formerly offered as SW 302A.

SW 3022. Human Behavior and the Social Environment II. Units: 3

Semester Prerequisite: SW 3021
Theories and knowledge of human bio-psycho-social development in relation to adulthood and aging. Includes theories and knowledge about the range of social systems in which individuals live (families, groups, organizations, institutions and communities). Interactions between and among human biological, social, psychological and cultural systems as they affect and are affected by human behavior. Satisfies DI designation.

SW 4001. Social Work Practice I. Units: 3

Semester Prerequisite: SW 3002 and SW 3022. Quarter Prerequisite: SW 301
Theories, models and skills for social work interventions with individuals and families using a generalist model of social work practice. Designed to run concurrently with the field placement education.

SW 4002. Social Work Practice II. Units: 3

Semester Prerequisite: SW 4001. Quarter Prerequisite: SW 400A
Theories, models and skills for social work interventions with groups, communities, and organizations using a generalist model of social work practice. Designed to run concurrently with the field placement education.

SW 4011. Field Work. Units: 3

Semester Prerequisite: SW 3002 and SW 3022. Quarter Prerequisite: SW 301
Practice experience in public and private social service agencies with individuals, families, groups, formal organizations and communities. Field placement hours (240) and monthly seminar. Graded credit/no credit.

SW 4012. Field Work II. Units: 3

Semester Prerequisite: SW 4001 and SW 4011. Quarter Prerequisite: SW 301
Practice experience in public and private social service agencies with individuals, families, groups, formal organizations and communities. Field placement hours (240) and monthly seminar. Graded credit/no credit.

SW 4181. Social Work Practicum I. Units: 5

Semester Corequisite: SW 4001
Practice experience in public and private social service agencies with individuals, families, groups, formal organizations and communities. Practicum placement hours (240) and monthly seminar. Graded credit/no credit. Equivalent to SW 4011, cannot receive credit for both.

SW 4182. Social Work Practicum II. Units: 4

Semester Prerequisite: SW 4181 (formerly known as 4011)
Semester Corequisite: SW 4002
Practice experience in public and private social service agencies with individuals, families, groups, formal organizations and communities. Practicum placement hours (240) and monthly seminar. Graded credit/no credit. Equivalent to SW 4012, cannot receive credit for both.

SW 5031. Social Work in the Global Perspective. Units: 3

Major concepts and practices in international social work. Includes a study abroad component. Formerly known as SW 6031.

SW 5033. Social Work Intervention with Older Adults and Their Families. Units: 3

Quarter Prerequisite: SW 604B
Interventions with older adults and their families. Case management functions of social work practice with older adults and their families as well as clinical interventions for problems in later life. Formerly known as SW 6033.

SW 5034. Social Work with Alcohol and Drug Abuse II. Units: 3

Quarter Prerequisite: SW 604B
An examination of theories, research and treatment regarding alcohol and drug abuse. Satisfies California LCSW and MFCC requirement. Formerly known as SW 6034.

SW 5038. Public Child Welfare: Policy and Practice. Units: 3

Public child welfare services and issues from an advanced generalist perspective. Prepares social work students for evidence-based, culturally responsive, family-focused, strength-based, and outcome-oriented child welfare practice. Formerly known as SW 6038.

SW 5052. Social Welfare and American Indian/Alaska Native People. Units: 3

Semester Prerequisite: Junior, senior, or graduate student standing required, optional 10 day course trip requires application and fees
This course examines the social welfare of American Indian and Alaska Native people and tribes, focusing on historical efforts to undermine tribes' very existence. Students will explore the ways tribes draw on sovereignty, cultural beliefs, and kinship networks to counter these efforts. In addition, students will interrogate the roles of social welfare policies and providers in harming Native communities and analyze contemporary efforts to provide culturally competent services. An optional 10 day service learning trip to the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in South Dakota allows students to examine these social issues in depth among the Oglala Lakota people.

SW 5053. Social Work Practice with the LGBTQ2SIA+ Community. Units: 3

Integration of psychological, social, and political issues with which social workers should be familiar when working with members of the LGBTQ2SIA+ community.

SW 5054. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Social Work Practice. Units: 3

This course examines diversity, equity, and inclusiveness, of specialized minority groups and subgroups within the context of social work practice. The course aims to enhance cultural competence/humility, by raising students' awareness of their own values, assumptions, and biases, as well as their relationships and styles of interaction and communication with people from cultures different than their own.

SW 5900. Special Topics. Units: 3

Semester Prerequisite: Admission into the BASW Program. Quarter Prerequisite: admission to the BASW Program
Special topics in social work. May be repeated for credit with consent of instructor as topics change. Formerly offered as SW 590.

SW 5951. Independent Study. Unit: 1

Special topics involving library and/or field research. May be repeated four times for four units. No more than four units of 5951-5953 may be awarded. Department consent required.

SW 5952. Independent Study. Units: 2

Special topics involving library and/or field research. May be repeated two times for four units. No more than four units of 5951-5953 may be awarded. Department consent required.

SW 5953. Independent Study. Units: 3

Quarter Prerequisite: consent of instructor
Special topics involving library and/or field research. No more than four units of 5951-5953 may be awarded. Department consent required.

SW 5973. Social Work Honors Project. Units: 3

Semester Prerequisite: SW 3010 and consent of the instructor. Quarter Prerequisite: SW 301 and consent of instructor
Original in-depth research in an area of social work practice.

SW 6011. Social Work Research I. Units: 3

Semester Prerequisite: SW 6041 and SW 6042. Quarter Prerequisite: SW 604B
Introduction to research methods, ethics, and politics of research, the role of research in social work practice, sampling techniques, measurement, data analysis, research designs, problem formulation, and literature review. Culminates in a preliminary Research Project Proposal. Formerly offered as SW 612.

SW 6012. Social Work Research II. Units: 3

Semester Prerequisite: SW 6011. Quarter Prerequisite: SW 612
Continued refinement of the Research Project Proposal. Revision and expansion of various quantitative and qualitative research methodologies, preparation and completion of human subjects application, and an introduction to computerized analysis. Formerly offered as SW 613.

SW 6013. Research Project I. Unit: 1

Semester Prerequisite: SW 6012. Quarter Prerequisite: SW 613
A culminating graduate experience in which a practice issue specific to the students field setting and specialization is objectively evaluated and presented orally and in writing. Students gather data and complete initial stages of implementation of research project under individual supervision. Formerly offered as SW 625A.

SW 6014. Research Project II. Units: 2

Semester Prerequisite: SW 6013. Quarter Prerequisite: SW 625A
Culminating graduate experience in which a practice issue specific to the students field setting and specialization is objectively evaluated and presented orally and in writing. Students complete data analysis, write the research report and present findings under individual supervision. Formerly offered as SW 625B.

SW 6015. Social Work Research Bridge. Units: 2

Semester Prerequisite: Admission into the Advanced Standing MSW program
Review of social work research methods, ethics, and politics of research, the role of research in social work practice, identifying reputable research materials, sampling techniques, measurement, data analysis, research designs, problem formulation, and literature review and synthesis. Students will be able to develop mastery in formulating research problem statements as well as appropriate research questions and/ or hypotheses. Cumulates in a preliminary Research Project Proposal.

SW 6016. Social Work Research III. Units: 3

Semester Prerequisite: SW 6011 and SW 6012
A culminating graduate experience in which a practice issue specific to the student's practicum setting and/or specialization is presented orally and in writing. Students complete a Research Project proposal, submit the final proposal to Graduate Studies for publication, and present the proposed study in the form of a poster.

SW 6021. Generalist Micro Practice I. Units: 3

Semester Prerequisite: Classified graduate standing in the MSW program. Quarter Prerequisite: classified graduate standing in the MSW program and consent of department
Semester Corequisite: SW 6081
Introduction to generalist model of practice with individuals, families and groups across diverse populations, comparative theories of micro practice, introductory assessment, diagnosis and intervention skills. History of micro practice, application of beginning phases of generalist intervention model. Formerly offered as SW 602A.

SW 6022. Generalist Micro Practice II. Units: 3

Semester Prerequisite: SW 6021. Quarter Prerequisite: SW 602A, classified graduate standing in the MSW program and consent of department
Semester Corequisite: SW 6082
Continued introduction to the generalist model of practice with individuals, families, and groups across diverse populations, comparative theories of micro practice, and intervention skills. Continued application of the generalist intervention model. Formerly offered as SW 602B.

SW 6023. Advanced Generalist Micro Practice I. Units: 3

Semester Prerequisite: SW 6022. Quarter Prerequisite: SW 602C
Semester Corequisite: SW 6083
Advanced theories, models, and skills applied to practice with diverse populations of individuals, groups and families. Micro practice in complex, interprofessional, interagency contexts. Formerly offered as SW 645.

SW 6024. Advanced Generalist Micro Practice II. Units: 3

Semester Prerequisite: SW 6023. Quarter Prerequisite: SW 645
Semester Corequisite: SW 6084
Continued advanced theories, models, and skills applied to practice with diverse populations of individuals, groups and families. Integration of advanced generalist skills and models of practice. Formerly offered as SW 646.

SW 6034. Addictions in Social Work Practice. Units: 3

Semester Prerequisite: Admission into the MSW Program
The design of this course will provide students with an introduction to a comprehensive, system-based examination of substance abuse and dependence.

SW 6035. Generalist Practice Bridge. Units: 3

Semester Prerequisite: Admission into the Advanced Standing MSW program
Writing intensive course giving instruction into the generalist model of practice with individuals, families, groups, organizations/agencies, and communities across diverse populations, social work ethics, comparative theories of practice, and intervention skills. This course blends contents of micro practice, macro practice, and human behavior in the social environment. This course provides students with an overview of psychopathology and diagnosis of mental disorders, and applies transdisciplinary theories toward understanding how pertinent macro issues (e.g., poverty, immigration, and racism) impact individuals' daily lives.

SW 6041. Human Behavior in the Social Environment: Lifespan Development. Units: 3

Semester Prerequisite: classified graduate standing in the MSW program. Quarter Prerequisite: classified graduate standing in the MSW program and consent of department
Critical examination and application of biological, psychological, and social aspects of human development from infancy through old age. Major theories, risk and protective factors. Formerly offered as SW 604A.

SW 6042. Human Behavior in the Social Environment: Critical Topics. Units: 3

Semester Prerequisite: SW 6041. Quarter Prerequisite: SW 604A, classified graduate standing in the MSW program and consent of department
Writing intensive course covering social work ethics, generalist practice, social systems theory, strengths perspective, empowerment, diversity, and oppression/discrimination. Also covers human sexuality, addiction, and beginning theoretical content on family and group dynamics. Formerly offered as SW 604B.

SW 6061. Generalist Macro Practice I. Units: 3

Semester Prerequisite: classified graduate standing in the MSW program. Quarter Prerequisite: classified graduate standing in the MSW program and consent of department
Overview of social welfare, social service sectors, and social work history and its mission in the U.S. Introduction to generalist model of practice with communities including theories of practice for planned change within communities. Formerly offered as SW 606A.

SW 6062. Generalist Macro Practice II. Units: 3

Semester Prerequisite: SW 6061. Quarter Prerequisite: SW 606A, classified graduate standing in the MSW program and consent of department
Introduction to social welfare legislation and policy analysis within the social, economic, and political context of the U.S. Emphasis on theories and skills for policy advocacy practice in the community, organizational/agency, and legislative arenas. Formerly offered as SW 606B.

SW 6063. Advanced Generalist Macro Practice I. Units: 3

Semester Prerequisite: SW 6062. Quarter Prerequisite: SW 606C
Theories and practice models of organizational/agency development, management, and, administration. Emphasis on managing and leading change within complex organizations. Formerly offered as SW 655.

SW 6064. Advanced Generalist Macro Practice II. Units: 3

Semester Prerequisite: SW 6063. Quarter Prerequisite: SW 655
Strategies and skills for leading large-scale change to address complex social problems through inter-agency/inter-professional collaboration & innovation. Formerly known as SW 656.

SW 6081. Generalist Field Work I. Units: 3

Semester Prerequisite: Classified graduate standing in the MSW program and consent of department. Quarter Prerequisite: classified graduate standing in the MSW program and consent of department
Semester Corequisite: SW 6021
Orient students to social work profession, define core areas of competent practice, and discuss application of theory to micro and macro practice within the context of field practicum and field seminar. Attain generalist practice experience in social service agencies with diverse populations of individuals, families, groups, organizations and communities. Field placement hours (240) and monthly seminar. Graded Credit/No credit. Formerly offered as SW 608A.

SW 6083. Advanced Generalist Field Work I. Units: 3

Semester Prerequisite: SW 6082. Quarter Prerequisite: SW 608C, classified graduate standing in the MSW program and consent of department
Semester Corequisite: SW 6023
Case conceptualization from an interprofessional, collaborative, and interagency perspective. Examine the roles, responsibilities, and characteristics of change agency and leadership in diverse complex situations within micro and macro practice settings. Attain advanced practice experience in social service agencies with diverse populations of individuals, families, groups, organizations and communities. Field placement hours (300) and monthly seminar. Graded Credit/No credit. Formerly offered as SW 608D.

SW 6084. Advanced Generalist Field Work II. Units: 3

Semester Prerequisite: SW 6083. Quarter Prerequisite: SW 608D, classified graduate standing in the MSW program and consent of department
Semester Corequisite: SW 6024
Continued case conceptualization from an interprofessional, collaborative, and interagency perspective. Examine the roles, responsibilities, and characteristics of change agency and leadership in diverse complex situations within micro and macro practice settings. Attain advanced practice experience in social service agencies with diverse populations of individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities. Field Placement hours (300) and monthly seminar. Graded Credit/No credit. Formerly offered as SW 608E.

SW 6085. Generalist Field Work Bridge. Unit: 1

Semester Prerequisite: Admission into the Advanced Standing MSW program
Defining core areas of competent generalist social work practice, discussing application of theory to micro and macro practice within the context of field seminar. Preparation for advanced practice experience in social service agencies with diverse populations of individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities. Graded credit/no credit.

SW 6113. Research Project I. Units: 3

Semester Corequisite: SW 6012
A culminating graduate experience in which a practice issue specific to the students field setting and specialization is objectively evaluated and presented orally and in writing. Students gather data and complete initial stages of implementation of research project under individual supervision. Equivalent to SW 6013, cannot receive credit for both.

SW 6114. Research Project II. Units: 3

Semester Prerequisite: SW 6113
Culminating graduate experience in which a practice issue specific to the students field setting and specialization is objectively evaluated and presented orally and in writing. Students complete data analysis, write the research report and present findings under individual supervision. Equivalent to SW 6014, cannot receive credit for both.

SW 6181. Generalist Practicum I. Units: 4

Orient students to social work profession, define core areas of competent practice, and discuss application of theory to micro and macro practice within the context of practicum and practicum seminar. Attain generalist practice experience in social service agencies with diverse populations of individuals, families, groups, organizations and communities. Field placement hours (240) and monthly seminar. Graded Credit/No credit. Equivalent to SW 6081, cannot receive credit for both.

SW 6182. Generalist Practicum II. Units: 3

Semester Prerequisite: SW 6181. Quarter Prerequisite: SW 608A, classified graduate standing in the MSW program and consent of department
Semester Corequisite: SW 6021
Continue orienting students to social work profession, defining core areas of competent practice, and discussing application of theory to micro and macro practice within the context of practicum and practicum seminar. Attain generalist practice experience in social service agencies with diverse populations of individuals, families, groups, organizations and communities. Field placement hours (240) and monthly seminar. Graded Credit/No Credit. Formerly offered as SW 608B and 6082.

SW 6183. Advanced Generalist Practicum I. Units: 4

Semester Prerequisite: SW 6082
Semester Corequisite: SW 6023
Case conceptualization from an interprofessional, collaborative, and interagency perspective. Examine the roles, responsibilities, and characteristics of change agency and leadership in diverse complex situations within micro and macro practice settings. Attain advanced practice experience in social service agencies with diverse populations of individuals, families, groups, organizations and communities. Practicum placement hours (300) and monthly seminar. Graded Credit/No credit. Equivalent to SW 6083, cannot receive credit for both.

SW 6184. Advanced Generalist Practicum II. Units: 4

Semester Prerequisite: SW 6183
Semester Corequisite: SW 6024
Continued case conceptualization from an interprofessional, collaborative, and interagency perspective. Examine the roles, responsibilities, and characteristics of change agency and leadership in diverse complex situations within micro and macro practice settings. Attain advanced practice experience in social service agencies with diverse populations of individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities. Practicum placement hours (300) and monthly seminar. Graded Credit/No credit. Equivalent to SW 6084, cannot receive credit for both.

SW 6901. Advanced Topics in Social Work I. Units: 3

Quarter Prerequisite: classified graduate standing in the MSW program or consent of instructor
An intensive study of some aspects of social work. May be taken two times for 6 units. Formerly offered as SW 690.

SW 6902. Advanced Topics in Social Work II. Units: 3

Semester Prerequisite: SW 6041 and SW 6042
Advanced study of some aspects of social work. May be taken two times for six units as the topic changes.

SW 6971. Thesis Research. Units: 3

Quarter Prerequisite: classified graduate standing and consent of department
Preparation of a thesis for the Master of Social Work degree program under the direction of a students thesis committee. Formerly offered as SW 699.

SW 6990. Continuous Enrollment for Graduate Candidacy Standing. Units: 0

Quarter Prerequisite: advancement to candidacy and approval of program graduate coordinator or, if an interdisciplinary studies major, consent of the Dean of Graduate Studies
Independent study leading to completion of requirements (other than course work) for the master's degree. To retain classified standing in the master's program, a student must enroll in a Continuous Enrollment for Graduate Candidacy Standing course each quarter until the project or thesis is accepted or the comprehensive examination passed. Students who enroll through the university have full use of all university facilities. See Culminating Experience: Exam, Thesis, or Project in Graduate Degree and Program Requirements section of the Bulletin of Courses. Continuous Enrollment for Graduate Candidacy Standing is a variable unit course, see fee schedule in the Financial Information section of the Bulletin of Courses. Earned units are not degree-applicable nor will they qualify for financial aid.

SW 6991. Continuous Enrollment for Graduate Candidacy Standing. Unit: 1

Quarter Prerequisite: Advancement to candidacy and approval of program graduate coordinator or, if an interdisciplinary studies major, consent of the Dean of Graduate Studies
Independent study leading to completion of requirements (other than course work) for the master's degree. To retain classified standing in the master's program, a student must enroll in a Continuous Enrollment for Graduate Candidacy Standing course each quarter until the project or thesis is accepted or the comprehensive examination passed. Students who enroll through the university have full use of all university facilities. See Culminating Experience: Exam, Thesis, or Project in Graduate Degree and Program Requirements section of the Bulletin of Courses. Continuous Enrollment for Graduate Candidacy Standing is a variable unit course, see fee schedule in the Financial Information section of the Bulletin of Courses. Earned units are not degree-applicable nor will they qualify for financial aid.

SW 6992. Continuous Enrollment for Graduate Candidacy Standing. Units: 2

Quarter Prerequisite: advancement to candidacy and approval of program graduate coordinator or, if an interdisciplinary studies major, consent of the Dean of Graduate Studies
Independent study leading to completion of requirements (other than course work) for the master's degree. To retain classified standing in the master's program, a student must enroll in a Continuous Enrollment for Graduate Candidacy Standing course each quarter until the project or thesis is accepted or the comprehensive examination passed. Students who enroll through the university have full use of all university facilities. See Culminating Experience: Exam, Thesis, or Project in Graduate Degree and Program Requirements section of the Bulletin of Courses. Continuous Enrollment for Graduate Candidacy Standing is a variable unit course, see fee schedule in the Financial Information section of the Bulletin of Courses. Earned units are not degree-applicable nor will they qualify for financial aid.

SW 6993. Continuous Enrollment for Graduate Candidacy Standing. Units: 3

Quarter Prerequisite: advancement to candidacy and approval of program graduate coordinator or, if an interdisciplinary studies major, consent of the Dean of Graduate Studies
Independent study leading to completion of requirements (other than course work) for the master's degree. To retain classified standing in the master's program, a student must enroll in a Continuous Enrollment for Graduate Candidacy Standing course each quarter until the project or thesis is accepted or the comprehensive examination passed. Students who enroll through the university have full use of all university facilities. See Culminating Experience: Exam, Thesis, or Project in Graduate Degree and Program Requirements section of the Bulletin of Courses. Continuous Enrollment for Graduate Candidacy Standing is a variable unit course, see fee schedule in the Financial Information section of the Bulletin of Courses. Earned units are not degree-applicable nor will they qualify for financial aid.

SW 6994. Continuous Enrollment for Graduate Candidacy Standing. Units: 4

Quarter Prerequisite: advancement to candidacy and approval of program graduate coordinator or, if an interdisciplinary studies major, consent of the Dean of Graduate Studies
Independent study leading to completion of requirements (other than course work) for the master's degree. To retain classified standing in the master's program, a student must enroll in a Continuous Enrollment for Graduate Candidacy Standing course each quarter until the project or thesis is accepted or the comprehensive examination passed. Students who enroll through the university have full use of all university facilities. See Culminating Experience: Exam, Thesis, or Project in Graduate Degree and Program Requirements section of the Bulletin of Courses. Continuous Enrollment for Graduate Candidacy Standing is a variable unit course, see fee schedule in the Financial Information section of the Bulletin of Courses. Earned units are not degree-applicable nor will they qualify for financial aid.

SW 6995. Continuous Enrollment for Graduate Candidacy Standing. Units: 5

Quarter Prerequisite: advancement to candidacy and approval of program graduate coordinator or, if an interdisciplinary studies major, consent of the Dean of Graduate Studies
Independent study leading to completion of requirements (other than course work) for the master's degree. To retain classified standing in the master's program, a student must enroll in a Continuous Enrollment for Graduate Candidacy Standing course each quarter until the project or thesis is accepted or the comprehensive examination passed. Students who enroll through the university have full use of all university facilities. See Culminating Experience: Exam, Thesis, or Project in Graduate Degree and Program Requirements section of the Bulletin of Courses. Continuous Enrollment for Graduate Candidacy Standing is a variable unit course, see fee schedule in the Financial Information section of the Bulletin of Courses. Earned units are not degree-applicable nor will they qualify for financial aid.

SW 6996. Continuous Enrollment for Graduate Candidacy Standing. Units: 6

Quarter Prerequisite: advancement to candidacy and approval of program graduate coordinator or, if an interdisciplinary studies major, consent of the Dean of Graduate Studies
Independent study leading to completion of requirements (other than course work) for the master's degree. To retain classified standing in the master's program, a student must enroll in a Continuous Enrollment for Graduate Candidacy Standing course each quarter until the project or thesis is accepted or the comprehensive examination passed. Students who enroll through the university have full use of all university facilities. See Culminating Experience: Exam, Thesis, or Project in Graduate Degree and Program Requirements section of the Bulletin of Courses. Continuous Enrollment for Graduate Candidacy Standing is a variable unit course, see fee schedule in the Financial Information section of the Bulletin of Courses. Earned units are not degree-applicable nor will they qualify for financial aid.