Spanish (SPAN)


SPAN 1102. College Spanish II Language Activity. Unit: 1

Semester Corequisite: Spanish 1112 or consent of department
A minimum of two academic hours (100 minutes) of weekly practice in the language laboratory. Cr/NC only. Must be taken concurrently with Spanish 1112 or consent from Department.

SPAN 1111. College Spanish I. Units: 4

Fundamentals of pronunciation, structure and Hispanic culture designed to develop the ability to use and understand basic spoken Spanish. Students who have not taken Spanish at California State University, San Bernardino, must take a placement test before registration. Contact department office for details. Materials fee required.

SPAN 1112. College Spanish 2. Units: 3

Quarter Prerequisite: SPAN 102 or consent of department
Emphasis on oral and written competency at the beginning level in a cultural context. Students who have not taken Spanish at California State University, San Bernardino, must take a placement test before registration. Contact department office for details. Satisfies GE C2/3B, DI, G designations. Materials fee required.

SPAN 2111. Intermediate Spanish 1st Semester. Units: 4

Semester Prerequisite: SPAN 1112, SPAN 1113, or equivalent
Review of fundamentals and the study of structural patterns of Spanish. Readings of Spanish and Spanish American authentic cultural materials. Develops students' oral and written Spanish language skills. Students who have not taken Spanish at California State University, San Bernardino must take a placement test before registration. Formerly SPAN 201. Materials fee required.

SPAN 2112. Intermediate Spanish 2nd. Semester. Units: 4

Semester Prerequisite: Spanish 2111 or equivalent. Quarter Prerequisite: SPAN 201 or equivalent
Develops students' oral and written Spanish language skills. Reading and Writing intensive. A skills assessment exam based on defined performance standards is given at the end of the course. New students to the Spanish program must take a placement test before registration. Formerly Spanish 203. Materials fee required.

SPAN 2151. Accelerated Intermediate Spanish. Units: 8

Semester Prerequisite: Spanish 1112 or equivalent. Quarter Prerequisite: Span 103 or equivalent
Intensive course combines the content of the intermediate Spanish course sequence (Spanish 2111 and 2112) at an accelerated pace. The development of listening, speaking, reading and writing skills are emphasized through active use of the language. A Spanish Skills Assessment Exam based on defined performance standards is given at the end of the course. Materials fee required.

SPAN 2204. Conversation. Units: 4

Semester Prerequisite: Spanish 1112 or equivalent. Quarter Prerequisite: SPAN 103 or equivalent
Intensive Spanish oral practice stressing the discussion of current topics, panel discussions, debates, and oral presentations. This course begins with intermediate level oral practice and culminates in advanced levels of oral skills. Formerly SPAN 214. Materials fee required.

SPAN 2251. Intermediate Healthcare Spanish I. Units: 4

Semester Prerequisite: SPAN 1112, SPAN 1113, or equivalent
First course in an intermediate-level two-course sequence in Healthcare Spanish. Develops students' oral and written Spanish language skills, as well as knowledge of cultures with particular attention to healthcare related vocabulary, concepts, and situations. This writing-intensive course requires weekly written assignments and discussion. Formerly SPAN 251. Materials fee required.

SPAN 2252. Intermediate Healthcare Spanish II. Units: 4

Semester Prerequisite: Spanish 2111 or 2251. Quarter Prerequisite: SPAN 251 or equivalent
Second course in an intermediate-level sequence in Healthcare Spanish. Develops students' oral and written Spanish language skills, as well as knowledge of cultures with particular attention to healthcare related vocabulary, concepts, and situations. This writing-intensive course requires weekly written assignments and discussion. At the end of this course, students take the Junior Spanish Skills Assessment Exam to successfully enroll in Upper Division Spanish Language Courses. Formerly SPAN 253. Materials fee required.

SPAN 2261. Intermediate Criminal Justice Spanish I. Units: 4

Semester Prerequisite: SPAN 1112, SPAN 1113, or equivalent
The first course in an intermediate-level two-course sequence in Criminal Justice Spanish. Develops students' oral and written Spanish language skills and knowledge of cultures with particular attention to criminal justice-related vocabulary, concepts, and situations. This course requires weekly written assignments and discussions. Materials fee required.

SPAN 2262. Intermediate Criminal Justice Spanish II. Units: 4

Semester Prerequisite: SPAN 2111 or SPAN 2251 or SPAN 2261
Second course in an intermediate-level two-course sequence in Criminal Justice Spanish. Develops students' oral and written Spanish language skills, as well as knowledge of cultures with particular attention to criminal justice related vocabulary, concepts, and situations. This course requires weekly written assignments and discussion. At the end of this course, students take the Junior Spanish Skills Assessment Exam to successfully enroll in Upper Division Spanish Language Courses. Materials fee required.

SPAN 2900. Spanish Literature and Film in English. Units: 3

Introduction to Spanish literature, drama, and film read in English translation. Satisfies GE C2/3B, DI, G designations. Materials fee required.

SPAN 3051. Culture, Health, and Food in Latin America. Units: 3

Semester Prerequisite: SPAN 2112 or SPAN 2252. Quarter Prerequisite: SPAN 203 or 253 or equivalent
Exploration of culture as related to healthcare practices and nutrition in Latin America and Spanish-speaking communities in the US. Includes oral and written practice of the terminology. Includes activities with an interdisciplinary focus demonstrating cultural knowledge of diverse Hispanic cultures as they relate to healthcare. Materials fee required. Formerly SPAN 351.

SPAN 3061. Criminal Justice and Cultures of Spain and Latin America. Units: 3

Semester Prerequisite: SPAN 2262 or equivalent. Quarter Prerequisite: SPAN 203 or equivalent
Exploration of culture as related to practices in criminal justice in Spain, Latin America, and Spanish-speaking communities in the US. Includes oral and written practice of the terminology. Includes activities with an interdisciplinary focus demonstrating cultural knowledge of diverse Hispanic cultures related to criminal justice.

SPAN 3301. Advanced Spanish Language and Composition. Units: 3

Semester Prerequisite: SPAN 2112 or SPAN 2252 or SPAN 2262
Written and spoken Spanish to increase students' proficiency in advanced composition. Introduction to research and the preparation of critical essays and studies. Orientation to skills, resources, and strategies leading to the development of the Senior E-Portfolio to demonstrate success in the field of Spanish. Materials fee required.

SPAN 3302. Advanced Spanish Language and Composition Writing Lab. Unit: 1

Semester Prerequisite: SPAN 2112 or SPAN 2252 or SPAN 2262
Practice strategies to improve writing and use of grammatical structures. Students implement their Spanish skills by providing supervised and guided Spanish tutoring on campus or in the community as a service-learning activity. Student reports will be included in their E-portfolio. Graded Credit/No Credit.

SPAN 3303. Introduction to Literature in Spanish Speaking World. Units: 3

Semester Prerequisite: SPAN 3301 and SPAN 3302. Quarter Prerequisite: SPAN 302
An analytical study of the literary genres of Spanish and Spanish American literature with the objective of increasing vocabulary, reading for greater understanding, and content analysis. Introduction of key concepts and principles of literary analysis with an emphasis on undergraduate research. Literary critical writing emphasized and writing samples included in the students' E-Portfolio. Materials fee required.

SPAN 3305. Applied Spanish Grammar. Units: 3

Semester Prerequisite: SPAN 2112 or SPAN 2252 or SPAN 2262
A detailed study of the grammatical structures of Spanish (phonetics, phonology, morphology, and syntax). Includes an overview of methods and materials used for teaching Spanish. Requires analysis, discussion in class, and practical application of linguistic principles to the analysis of the Spanish language. Materials fee required.

SPAN 3307. Cultures of Spain. Units: 3

Semester Prerequisite: SPAN 2112 or SPAN 2252 or SPAN 2262
A study of the development of the cultures and origins of Spain, and the formations of identities in its history, literature, film and art. A survey course including lectures, discussion and writing. Materials fee required.

SPAN 3308. Cultures of Spain Activity. Unit: 1

Semester Prerequisite: SPAN 2112 or SPAN 2252 or SPAN 2262
Students demonstrate their acquired Spanish skills by engaging in a supervised and guided service-learning activity in relation to the cultures and origins of Spain. Scaffolding and guidance are provided by the instructor. A specific number of service hours is required. May be in a community or university-sponsored event. Graded Credit/No Credit.

SPAN 3309. Cultures of Spanish America. Units: 3

Semester Prerequisite: SPAN 2112 or SPAN 2252 or SPAN 2262
A study of the development of the cultures and origins of Spanish America, and the formations of identities in its history, literature, film and art. A survey course including lectures, discussion and writing. Materials fee required.

SPAN 3310. Cultures of Spanish America Activity. Unit: 1

Semester Prerequisite: SPAN 2112 or SPAN 2252 or SPAN 2262
Students demonstrate their acquired Spanish skills by engaging in a supervised and guided service-learning activity in relation to the cultures and origins of Spanish America. Scaffolding and guidance are provided by the instructor. A specific number of service hours is required. May be in a community or university-sponsored event. Graded Credit/No Credit.

SPAN 3900. Voices & Visions from the Hispanic World. Units: 3

Manifestations of culture and identity are examined through the study of Hispanic literature, past and present, and of the Spanish-speaking cultures. Satisfies GE C4/UD-3, DI, G, WI designations. Taught in English. May be taken for up to 6 units as topics change, but only 3 units can be used for GE. Materials fee required.

SPAN 4401. Spanish for the Professions. Units: 3

Semester Prerequisite: SPAN 2112 or SPAN 2252 or SPAN 2262
A study of the Spanish terminology and jargon used in various professions. Includes oral and written practice of the terminology and practical application of the newly acquired vocabulary and related cultural aspects. May be taken four times for 12 units as the topic changes. Materials fee required.

SPAN 4402. Spanish for the Professions Activity. Unit: 1

Semester Prerequisite: SPAN 2112 or SPAN 2252 or SPAN 2262
Students demonstrate their acquired Spanish skills by engaging in a supervised and guided in a service-learning activity. It may be in a community, university, or private sector-sponsored events, such as health fairs, radio, and television, in law enforcement, public service conferences, and/or cultural events. Students add their activity reports to their e-portfolio. May be taken four times for four units as the topic changes.

SPAN 4403. Spanish Dialectology. Units: 3

Semester Prerequisite: SPAN 3301 and SPAN 3302. Quarter Prerequisite: SPAN 302
An introduction to the history and description of existing Spanish varieties in Spain and Latin America. Overview of social factors in language, variation, and change and study of contemporary spoken and written Spanish in the United States. Requires discussion in class and class presentation of original research. Materials fee required.

SPAN 4404. Spanish Dialectology Activity. Unit: 1

Semester Prerequisite: SPAN 3301 and SPAN 3302. Prerequisite: Span 302
Students demonstrate their acquired Spanish skills by engaging in a supervised and guided service-learning activity. A specific number of service hours is required. May include providing tutoring in the university setting or in the community, and/or in public service events, conferences, or cultural fairs. Students will add their activity reports to their E-portfolio. Graded Credit/No Credit.

SPAN 4407. Special Topics in Peninsular Literature. Units: 3

Detailed study of representative authors, genres, periods, or regions of Spain. Emphasis on active involvement in investigative undergraduate research. Requires discussion in class and presentation of research demonstrating a deep understanding of subject matter to be included in E-Portfolio. May be taken for credit for 6 units as topics change. Materials fee required.

SPAN 4409. Special Topics in Spanish American Literature. Units: 3

Detailed study of representative authors, genres, periods, or regions of Spanish America. Emphasis on active involvement in investigative undergraduate research. Requires discussion in class and presentation of research demonstrating a deep understanding of subject matter to be included in E-Portfolio. May be taken two times for a total of six units as topics change. Materials fee required.

SPAN 4411. Special Topics in Spanish Language Cinema and/or Theatre. Units: 3

Semester Prerequisite: SPAN 3301, 3302, 3303, and 3305. Quarter Prerequisite: SPAN 302, 318, and 402
Detailed study of representative Spanish language cinema and/or theatre. Explores the development of the genre of theater in the Hispanic World in its social, cultural, historical, and political context either across time periods (medieval to 20th century) or within a certain literary movement (Romanticism, Avant-garde movement, etc). May be taken 2 times as topics change for a total of 6 units. Materials fee required.

SPAN 4412. Special Topics in Spanish Language Cinema and/or Theatre Activity. Unit: 1

Semester Prerequisite: SPAN 3301 and SPAN 3302, SPAN 3303, SPAN 3305. Prerequisite: Span 302, Span 402, Span 318
Includes original research and performance of stage or cinematic productions. May be repeated for a total of 2 units as topics change. Graded Credit/No Credit.

SPAN 4441. Internship Project. Unit: 1

An internship in Spanish may be completed at the Department or the university level or in the community. It must include 30 hours of service in Spanish. May be taken three times for three units. Graded Credit/No Credit. Consent required.

SPAN 4442. Internship Project. Units: 2

An internship in Spanish may be completed at the Department or the university level or in the community. It must include 60 hours of service in Spanish. Graded Credit/No Credit. Department consent required.

SPAN 4443. Internship Project. Units: 3

An internship in Spanish may be completed at the Department or the university level or in the community. It must include 90 hours of service in Spanish. Graded Credit/No Credit. Department consent required.

SPAN 4444. Internship Project. Units: 4

An internship in Spanish may be completed at the Department or the university level or in the community. It must include 120 hours of service in Spanish. Graded Credit/No Credit. Department consent required.

SPAN 5051. Seminar in Healthcare Spanish. Units: 3

Semester Prerequisite: SPAN 4402
Capstone seminar focusing on representative themes in the field of Healthcare Spanish. Includes oral and written practice of the relevant terminology and cultural aspects, as well as a practical application in a healthcare setting. Requires completion of a final project and an e-portfolio. Materials fee required.

SPAN 5501. Seminar in Peninsular Literature, Culture, Theater and Film. Units: 3

Semester Prerequisite: SPAN 3303, SPAN 3305, and SPAN 4401
Capstone seminar focusing on representative themes in the field of Peninsular literature, culture, theater or film. May be taken 2 times for 6 units as topics change. Materials fee required.

SPAN 5502. Peninsular Literature, Culture, Theater, and Film: Portfolio. Unit: 1

Semester Prerequisite: SPAN 3301 and SPAN 3302, SPAN 3303, SPAN 3305, SPAN 3307 or SPAN 3309, Span4401 and SPAN 4402, SPAN 4403 and SPAN 4404. Quarter Prerequisite: Span 302, Span 402, Span 318, Span 415, Span 410 or Span 412
Students will demonstrate their acquired Spanish skills by preparing and completing their senior E-Portfolio. May include delivering a scholarly presentation at a professional meeting or conference with guidance and supervision by the instructor. A Senior Skills Assessment Exam is administered (includes testing proficiency in the subject matter). May be taken 2 times for 2 units. Graded Credit/No Credit.

SPAN 5503. Seminar in Spanish American Literature, Culture, Theater and Film. Units: 3

Semester Prerequisite: SPAN 3302, SPAN 3305, and SPAN 4401
Capstone seminar focusing on representative themes in the field of Spanish American literature, culture, theater or film. May be taken 2 times for 6 units as topics change. Materials fee required.

SPAN 5504. Spanish American Literature, Culture, Theater, and Film: Portfolio. Unit: 1

Semester Prerequisite: SPAN 3301 and SPAN 3302, SPAN 3303, SPAN 3305, SPAN 3307 or SPAN 3309, Span4401 and SPAN 4402, SPAN 4403 and SPAN 4404. Quarter Prerequisite: Span 302, Span 37x, Span 402, Span 318, Span 415, Span 410 or Span 412
Students will demonstrate their acquired Spanish skills by preparing and completing their senior E-Portfolio. May include delivering a scholarly presentation at a professional meeting or conference with guidance and supervision by the instructor. A Senior Skills Assessment Exam is administered (includes testing proficiency in the subject matter). May be taken 2 times for 2 units. Graded Credit/No Credit.

SPAN 5505. Seminar in Hispanic Linguistics. Units: 3

Semester Prerequisite: SPAN 3303, SPAN 3305, and SPAN 4401
Capstone seminar in Hispanic linguistics. May be taken 2 times for 6 units as topics change. Materials fee required.

SPAN 5506. Hispanic Linguistics: Portfolio. Unit: 1

Semester Prerequisite: SPAN 3301 and SPAN 3302, SPAN 3303, SPAN 3305, SPAN 3307 or SPAN 3309, Span4401 and SPAN 4402, SPAN 4403 and SPAN 4404. Quarter Prerequisite: Span 302, Span 402, Span 318, Span 415, Span 410 or Span 412, Span 401, Span 416
Students will demonstrate their acquired Spanish skills by preparing and completing their senior E-Portfolio. May include delivering a scholarly presentation at a professional meeting or conference with guidance and supervision by the instructor. A Senior Skills Assessment Exam is administered (includes testing proficiency in the subject matter). May be taken 2 times for 2 units. Graded Credit/No Credit.

SPAN 5507. Seminar in Special Interdisciplinary Topics in Spanish Literature, Linguistics, or Culture. Units: 3

Semester Prerequisite: SPAN 3303 and SPAN 3305 and SPAN 4401
Seminar focusing on a significant interdisciplinary theme involving literatures, linguistics or cultures of Spain and/or Spanish America. May be taught in Spanish or English. Requires completion and presentation of a final project. May be taken two times for six units. Materials fee required.

SPAN 5555. Study Abroad and International Experience. Unit: 1

Semester Prerequisite: Instructor consent. Quarter Prerequisites: Instructor consent
Research project based on traveling or living in a Spanish-speaking country. Research for the project will be completed in the country of choice. When study is associated with an academic program, copies of grades, syllabus and submitted work may substitute for research project. May be repeated for credit for a total of 2 units. Graded credit/no credit.

SPAN 5556. Study Abroad and International Experience. Units: 2

Semester Prerequisite: Instructor consent. Quarter Prerequisite: Instructor consent
Research project based on traveling or living in a Spanish-speaking country. Research for the project will be completed in the country of choice. When study is associated with an academic program, copies of grades, syllabus and submitted work may substitute for research project. May be repeated for credit for a total of 4 units. Graded credit/no credit.

SPAN 5557. Study Abroad and International Experience. Units: 3

Semester Prerequisite: Instructor consent. Quarter Prerequisite: Instructor consent
Research project based on traveling or living in a Spanish-speaking country. Research for the project will be completed in the country of choice. When study is associated with an academic program, copies of grades, syllabus and submitted work may substitute for research project. May be repeated for credit for a total of 6 units. Graded credit/no credit.

SPAN 6606. Research Methods. Units: 3

Quarter Prerequisite: Graduate standing or consent of the graduate committee
Introduction to bibliography, research techniques, professional discourse styles, analysis and application of methods of contemporary literary theory and criticism. This course is a prerequisite to all 600-level courses in the M.A. in Spanish. It fulfills the writing intensive mandatory course requirement. Formerly offered as SPAN 606. Materials fee required.

SPAN 6608. History of the Spanish Language. Units: 3

Semester Prerequisite: SPAN 6606, graduate standing or consent of the graduate committee/coordinator. Quarter Prerequisite: SPAN 606, graduate standing or consent of the graduate committee/coordinator
Diachronic study of the development of Spanish from Latin to modern varieties of the language. In-depth analysis of phonological, morphological, and syntactic changes related to relevant events of Spanish and Spanish American history. Formerly SPAN 608. Materials fee required.

SPAN 6615. Second Language Acquisition in Spanish. Units: 3

Semester Prerequisite: Graduate standing, or consent of the graduate committee. Quarter Prerequisite: Graduate standing, or consent of the graduate committee
Study and application of current theories, research practices, and practical applications in second language acquisition with discussion of the development of different instructional approaches in relation to language acquisition theories focusing on current Spanish teaching practices. Materials fee required. Formerly offered as SPAN 615.

SPAN 6620. General Spanish Linguistics. Units: 3

Semester Prerequisite: Graduate standing and SPAN 6606, or consent of the graduate committee. Quarter Prerequisite: Graduate standing and SPAN 606, or consent of the graduate committee
Linguistics of the Hispanic World. Intensive study of contemporary issues in Spanish linguistics. Materials fee required. Formerly offered as SPAN 620 (Topics A-D).

SPAN 6625. Spanish Peninsular Literature. Units: 3

Semester Prerequisite: Graduate standing and SPAN 6606, or consent of the graduate committee. Quarter Prerequisite: Graduate standing and SPAN 606, or consent of the graduate committee
Advanced study of the literature of Spain from Medieval to Contemporary times. Formerly SPAN 650 A-D. Materials fee required.

SPAN 6630. Spanish American Literature. Units: 3

Semester Prerequisite: Graduate standing and SPAN 6606, or consent of the graduate committee. Quarter Prerequisite: Graduate standing and SPAN 606, or consent of the graduate committee
Advanced study of the literature of Spanish America from Colonial to Contemporary periods. Formerly SPAN 651 A-D. Materials fee required.

SPAN 6650. Spanish Peninsular Literature and Culture. Units: 3

Semester Prerequisite: Graduate standing and SPAN 6606, or consent of the graduate committee/coordinator. Quarter Prerequisite: Graduate standing and SPAN 606, or consent of the graduate committee/coordinator
Intensive study of significant works or a principal author from Spanish Peninsular literature and culture, from medieval to 21st century. Analysis and application of methods of contemporary literary theory and criticism employing principal texts from Spanish literature. A maximum of 6 units (different topics) may be applied toward the M.A. in Spanish. Formerly offered as SPAN 625A. Materials fee required.

SPAN 6651. Spanish American Literature and Culture. Units: 3

Semester Prerequisite: Graduate standing and SPAN 6606, or consent of the graduate committee/coordinator. Quarter Prerequisite: Graduate standing and SPAN 606, or consent of the graduate committee/coordinator
Intensive study of significant works or a principal author from Spanish-American Literature and Culture, or Latino cultures. Analysis and application of methods of contemporary literary theory and criticism employing principal texts from Spanish-American Literature. May be taken for up to 6 units as topics change for the M.A. in Spanish. Formerly offered as SPAN 630A. Materials fee required.

SPAN 6652. Modern Spanish American Literature. Units: 3

Advanced study of important contemporary aspects of Spanish-American culture and literature. May be taken two times for six units as topics change. Formerly 652A. Materials fee required.

SPAN 6653. Contemporary Chicanx/Latinx Literature in Spanish. Units: 3

Semester Prerequisite: graduate standing and SPAN 6606, or consent of the graduate committee/coordinator. Quarter Prerequisite: graduate standing and SPAN 606, or consent of the graduate committee/coordinator
Intensive analysis of works by Chicanx and Latinx writers in Spanish in the United States. Formerly offered as SPAN 653. Materials fee required.

SPAN 6654. Modern Spanish Peninsular Literature. Units: 3

Semester Prerequisite: Graduate standing and SPAN 6606, or consent of the graduate committee/coordinator. Quarter Prerequisite: Graduate standing and SPAN 606, or consent of the graduate committee/coordinator
Advanced study of the literature of the eighteenth to twenty-first centuries in Spain. A maximum of 6 units (different topics) may be applied to the M.A. in Spanish. Formerly SPAN 654A. Materials fee required.

SPAN 6655. Spanish Applied Linguistics. Units: 3

Semester Prerequisite: SPAN 6606, and graduate standing; or consent of the graduate committee/coordinator. Quarter Prerequisite: SPAN 606, and graduate standing; or consent of the graduate committee/coordinator
Study and discussion of current issues in Hispanic applied linguistics relevant to the following professions: Spanish teachers, translators, bilingual administrators, bilingual media specialist. A maximum of 6 units (different topics) may be applied toward the M.A. in Spanish. Formerly SPAN 665A. Materials fee required.

SPAN 6656. Spanish Semantics and Pragmatics. Units: 3

Semester Prerequisite: Graduate standing and SPAN 6606, or consent of graduate committee/coordinator. Quarter Prerequisite: Graduate standing and SPAN 606, or consent of graduate committee/coordinator
Study of noun and verbal systems of the Spanish language, as found in a variety of discourses, and analysis of forms and functional meaning in social contexts. Formerly SPAN 656. Materials fee required.

SPAN 6661. Graduate Portfolio. Unit: 1

Semester Prerequisite: Graduate standing or consent of Graduate Committee/Coordinator. Quarter Prerequisite: Graduate standing or consent of Graduate Committee/Coordinator
Preparation and submission of a portfolio with appropriate reflective writing samples and experiences of Spanish language instruction at the college level. Includes a discussion of current instructional methodology for foreign languages and a field component consisting of observation and teaching of college level Spanish language classes. Graded credit/no credit. Formerly offered as SPAN 696. Materials fee required.

SPAN 6695. Comprehensive Exam Preparation: Spanish Literature. Unit: 1

Guided practice of essay writing covering major aspects of critical literary analysis.

SPAN 6696. Comprehensive Exam Preparation: Spanish American Literature. Unit: 1

Guided practice of essay writing covering fundamental areas of literary analysis.

SPAN 6697. Comprehensive Exam Preparation: Spanish Linguistics. Unit: 1

Guided practice of essay writing covering fundamental areas of Spanish linguistics and analysis.

SPAN 6698. Comprehensive Examination. Units: 0

Semester Prerequisite: Department Consent Required
Written and oral examination covering Spanish linguistics, peninsular literature and culture, Spanish-American literature and culture, and Latino cultures in the United States. Examination is based on the core of required classes for the M.A. in Spanish as well as a reading list. Student must pass exam and any retests within one year of completion of the core and elective courses. Exam may be repeated once, and only the sections failed will be retested. Formerly SPAN 697. Materials fee required.

SPAN 6991. Continuous Enrollment for Graduate Candidacy Standing. Unit: 1

Independent study leading to completion of requirements (other than course work) for the master's degree. To retain classified standing in the master's program, a student must enroll in 6991 each semester until the project or thesis is accepted or the comprehensive examination passed. Students who enroll in 6991 through the university have full use of all university facilities. See Culminating Experience: Exam, Thesis, or Project in Graduate Degree and Program Requirements section of the Bulletin of Courses. See fee schedule in the Financial Information section of the Bulletin of Courses. Earned units are not degree-applicable nor will they qualify for financial aid. Formerly offered as SPAN 698.