University Honors

University Honors Office

Coyote Village (Cajon Hall) 135
(909) 537-7472

The University Honors Program at California State University, San Bernardino offers a curriculum designed to meet the needs of highly motivated students who seek an exceptional, intellectually challenging experience. This program will add breadth, depth, and rigor to the student's undergraduate course of study. Honors students are encouraged to take an active role in their own learning process, to think about problems they will face in creating the future, and to explore their roles in addressing these problems. Integration of subject material across the curriculum and interdisciplinary approaches to learning are essential goals of the program, as is emphasis on the cognitive development of the student. The curriculum challenges students to develop thinking skills and to use these skills in analyzing and evaluating problems of contemporary society. In doing so, the curriculum fosters a learning community that promotes student research, creativity, and innovation. Honors students will have:

  • Personalized advising;
  • Priority registration;
  • The opportunity to participate in honors activities such as excursions, performances, and art exhibits;
  • Honors courses in basic skills such as expository writing, oral communication, and critical thinking;
  • Honors seminars which promote interaction among students and faculty;
  • Honors courses in specific academic disciplines and interdisciplinary areas.

Admission to the Program

Incoming first-year and rising juniors or transfer students who have shown scholastic ability, intellectual promise, and creativity are encouraged to apply for the University Honors Program. Incoming first-year students will be given written invitation to apply to the University Honors Program based on strong performance in high school.

Rising juniors and transfer students who have remained consistently on the Dean's List and/or have maintained a 3.5 overall grade point average in previous course work may apply to the program. These students should contact the University Honors Program for the application.

In addition, any faculty member identifying a student as one who has the potential to profit from the challenge of the program may sponsor a student into the program, with the approval of the Honors Committee.

University Honors Program

Requirements of the Program

To remain in good standing in the Honors Program, students are expected to maintain a grade point average of 3.3 ("B+") overall.

Requirements for students completing Lower Division Honors (12)
HON 1000Constructing Knowledge3
HON 1100Writing Rhetorically3
HON 1200Thinking Critically3
HON 1300Communicating Orally3
Optional Honors GE Courses
Honors History of the United States: Pre-Colonization to Present
Government of the United States--Honors
Requirements for students completing Upper Division Honors (11)
Six units from the following:6
Natural Sciences and the Humanities
Natural Sciences and the Humanities Praxis
Social Sciences and Natural Sciences Seminar
Social Sciences and Natural Sciences Praxis
Social Science and the Humanities Seminar
Social Science and the Humanities Praxis
Students enroll concurrently in one pair of courses.
A senior project in a department3
One unit from the following:1
Junior Research Exploration Workshop
Collaborative Project Workshop
HON 4500Senior Research Presentation Workshop1
Students earn University Honors by completing both Lower Division Honors and Upper Division Honors
Total Units23