Bachelor of Arts in English

The Department of English at CSUSB is a vibrant community of teachers, scholars, and writers committed to the interdisciplinary exploration and development of English Studies. Our B.A. in English integrates four distinct approaches that are rarely united in English programs: literary studies, creative writing, linguistics, and rhetoric/writing studies. Students in our program gain an in-depth understanding of the imaginative, discursive, and practical aspects of language, as they read, interpret, synthesize, and write texts of various kinds. With this background, our graduates are prepared for careers in writing, business, public relations, advertising, technology, public health, teaching, and many other fields. They can also pursue graduate studies in a wide variety of disciplines, including law and medicine. Additionally, our graduates will find themselves well-prepared to take on the responsibilities of civic and community engagement.

The English major consists of a common, multidisciplinary core, and a choice of four concentrations that allow students to focus their coursework in literature, linguistics, creative writing, or rhetoric/writing studies. As a fifth option, the Department offers an individualized concentration where students, under the direction of a faculty advisor and with the approval of a faculty committee, can create their own course of study based on their personal and professional interests.

Requirements (51 units)

Total units required for graduation: 120

Requirements for the B.A. in English

Lower-division requirements (18)
ENG 2000Introduction to English Studies3
ENG 2100Historical Approaches to English Literature3
ENG 2250Historical Approaches to American Literature3
ENG 2300Historical Approaches to British Literature 3
ENG 2400Writing in the Public Sphere3
ENG 2500Introduction to Creative Writing Studies 3
Upper-division requirements (15)
ENG 3010Analysis of Poetry and Drama3
ENG 3030Analysis of Fiction and Nonfiction Prose3
ENG 3110Introduction to Linguistics3
ENG 3750Studies in Literary Theory3
ENG 5160Professional Pathways for English Majors3
Concentration (18)
Students must satisfy the requirements of one of the concentrations listed below:18
Total Units51

Concentrations (18 units)

Students must complete 18 units from one of the following concentrations.  Note:  if an elective for the concentration is also a GE course, the course may count as both an elective for the concentration and for GE credit.

Creative Writing Concentration (18 units) 

(Program Code: ENCW)

ENG 3500Literary Movements: Aesthetics and Craft3
Three units chosen from:3
Poetry Writing Workshop
Fiction Writing Workshop
Creative Nonfiction
ENG 5130Advanced Creative Writing in Specialized Genres3
Three units chosen from:3
Creative Writing in the Secondary Classroom
Literary Production I
Literary Production II
Any upper-division creative writing course
ENG 5190Creative Writing: Thesis and Performance3
Three English elective units chosen from:3
Internship in English
Internship in English
Internship in English
English Study Abroad
Media Performance Practicum
Honors Project
Research Project
English Practicum
Any upper-division English course
Total Units18

Linguistics Concentration (18 units)

(Program Code: ELNG)

ENG 3210Language, Thought, and Culture3
ENG 3220English Grammar 3
Three units chosen from:3
Child Language and Literacy Development *To enroll in this course, students must be admitted to the Minor in Speech-Language Pathology or the Speech-Language Pathology Master’s Preparatory Certificate.
Second Language Acquisition
Six units chosen from:6
Introduction to Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology *To enroll in this course, students must be admitted to the Minor in Speech-Language Pathology or the Speech-Language Pathology Master’s Preparatory Certificate.
Language and Speech Science *To enroll in this course, students must be admitted to the Minor in Speech-Language Pathology or the Speech-Language Pathology Master’s Preparatory Certificate.
Grammar and Discourse
Child Language Disorders
Phonetics and Phonology
Studies in Language and Linguistics
Three English elective units chosen from:3
Internship in English
Internship in English
Internship in English
English Study Abroad
Media Performance Practicum
Honors Project
Research Project
English Practicum
Any upper-division English course
Total Units18

Literature Concentration (18 units)

(Program Code: ENLT)

Twelve units chosen from:12
Literature for Children and Young Adults
Native American and Indigenous Literatures
Studies in a Literary Genre
Studies in Literary Diversity
Chicana/o Literature
Studies in Literary Topics
Asian American Literature
Caribbean Literature
Disability Literature
Myth and Epic
Studies in the Novel
Women Writers
African American Literature
Environmental Literature
Turning Points in Literary History
Shakespeare and Renaissance Drama
English Literature of the Middle Ages
English Literature of the Tudor/Stuart Era
Seventeenth Century Literature
English Literature of the Restoration and Eighteenth Century
Romantic Literature
Victorian Literature
Studies in a Literary Period or Movement
Studies in a Major Authors
Modern Poetry
Contemporary Poetry
Modern Fiction
Contemporary Fiction
Advanced Studies in Literary Topics
Three units from:3
Senior Seminar in Literature
Three English elective units chosen from:3
Internship in English
Internship in English
Internship in English
English Study Abroad
Media Performance Practicum
Honors Project
Research Project
English Practicum
Any upper-division English course
Total Units18

Rhetoric and Writing Studies Concentration (18 units)

(Program Code: ERWS)

ENG 3070Theories of Public and Professional Writing3
ENG 3290Introduction to Literacy and Writing Studies3
Six units chosen from:6
Studies in Writing
Studies in Literacy
Studies in Rhetoric
Three units chosen from:3
Tutoring Writing: Theory and Practice
Teaching English in the Secondary Schools
Community-Based Writing
Three English elective units chosen from:3
Internship in English
Internship in English
Internship in English
English Study Abroad
Media Performance Practicum
Honors Project
Research Project
English Practicum
Any upper-division English course
Total Units18

Self-Directed Study Concentration (18 units)

(Program Code: ESDS)

To be eligible for the Self-Directed Study Concentration, students must write a proposal for their program plan, including all of the courses that they intend to take in the concentration and a rationale for the course of study.  The proposal will be vetted by an English faculty committee before a student can be approved for this concentration.  Before declaring this concentration, a student must have completed the following core classes:  ENG 2000, ENG 2400, ENG 2500, ENG 3110, and either ENG 3010 or ENG 3030. 

Eighteen units of any upper-division English courses, selected according to a plan developed in consultation with the English Department. With prior approval of the Department, students in this concentration may substitute up to 6 units of coursework from outside of the English major. We also encourage students to take 3 of their 18 units from the following:18
Internship in English
Internship in English
Internship in English
English Study Abroad
Media Performance Practicum
Honors Project
Research Project
English Practicum